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Posted at 5:48 p.m., Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Maui High lockers, classrooms set ablaze

Associated Press

KAHULUI — Fire ripped through two classrooms at Maui High School when someone apparently set some campus lockers ablaze.

No one was hurt, though the flames caused about $250,000 in damage to a school building and its contents in the fire after 1 a.m. Monday.

Authorities said someone later set a second fire inside a trash bin at the school while firefighters were still at the scene.

Students and teachers who normally study in the two damaged rooms are having to hold classes in the library and a room that is being turned into a computer lab.

"It's very sad," said Principal Randy Yamanuha. "It's a loss to the students of Maui High School."

Some sort of flammable liquid was poured on lockers in front of the building early morning on Monday, then ignited, said acting police Capt. John Jakubczak of the Criminal Investigation Division.

Authorities were alerted to the fire when a neighbor called to report the blaze. The first firefighters reached the school at 1:36 a.m. and the flames were extinguished by 2 a.m.

Janyce Omura, a social studies teacher whose room was damaged, couldn't enter the burned building because the area was sealed off with yellow tape for police and fire department investigations.

"One of my colleagues notified me this morning when I was on my way to work," said Omura, a veteran teacher. "It's very disappointing. I'm shocked. I'm in disbelief.

"I'm fortunate that the administration and staff have been so supportive. Seeing everybody pull together has been overwhelming."

The two classrooms held textbooks, several computers, and other electronic equipment, including a television and a videocassette recorder.

Yamanuha said the school would be short of space after losing the two classrooms.

He said the computer lab development plans would be put on hold until more space could be found.

The school is expecting three portable classrooms to be delivered but they won't arrive until November.

In June, a fire at the University Laboratory School in Honolulu destroyed a 67-year-old wooden classroom and office building, causing an estimated $6.5 million damage.

In April, a fire gutted the registrar's office and seriously damaged the principal's and vice principal's offices at Waiakea High School in Hilo. Total damage was estimated at $1.5 million.