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After the Kaloko Reservoir break, we encouraged people to post messages here if they weren't able to locate someone who might have been in the area or if they wanted to reassure family and friends that they were alright.

Read the postings below.

Warning: include(/www/blog/bloginclude.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /srv/users/thaarchives/apps/thaarchives/public/2006/Mar/14/ln/kauaimessages.html on line 11

Warning: include(): Failed opening '/www/blog/bloginclude.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/sp/php7.4/lib/php') in /srv/users/thaarchives/apps/thaarchives/public/2006/Mar/14/ln/kauaimessages.html on line 11