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The Honolulu Advertiser

Posted at 12:23 p.m., Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Lightning, rainstorms force KHPR off the air

By Wayne Harada
Advertiser staff writer

Hawaii Public Radio, KHPR 88.1 on the FM dial, is attempting to repair weather-related damage to its transmitter. The station went off the air early today.

Lightning last week damaged the station's switchover equipment, which would have enabled the station to switch to its auxiliary equipment, said Michael Titterton, HPR president and general manager.

A new set of switchgear had been under construction since the lightning struck last Thursday, but a chopper is required for installation.

"Nothing can be done to diagnose the problem until engineers are able to access the site by helicopter, an operation made difficult just now because of the bad weather conditions on Wiliwilinui Ridge, where the transmitter is located," Titterton said today, in an e-mail message to HPR listeners.

A staff member was hiking to the site to examine the damage.