Updated at 2:17 p.m., Monday, November 13, 2006
World Invitational Hula Festival awards announced
By Wanda A. Adams
Assistant Features Editor
Winners were:
Language: Hawai'i competitor, Halau Kaulakahi, kumu hula Nalani Keale; visiting competitor, Moani Ke Ala O Kaualakahi (Japan), kumu hula Nalani Keale.
Combined dance and language achievement in traditional ('olapa) hula: Hawai'i competitors, Ke Au Hou O Ka Ua, kumu hula Na'aupono Galisa; visiting competitor, Ka Ua Kilihune, Japan, instructor Chieko Shigeta.
Combined dance and language achievement in modern ('auana) hula: Hawai'i competitors, Ka Pa Hula O Ka Lei Lehua, kumu hula Snowbird Bento; visiting competitors, Ka Ua Kilihuna (Japan), instructor Chieko Shigeta.
Kane (male) group dance and language achievement: in both traditional and modern divisions, Ka Pa Hula O Ka Lei Lehua, kumu hula Snowbird Bento.
Wahine (women) group dance and language achievement: Hawai'i competitors, traditional division, Halau Kaulakahi, kumu hula Nalani Keale; Hawai'i competitors, modern division, Halau Na Pua Mai Ka Lani, kumu hula Kale Pawai; visiting competitors, both traditional and modern divisions, Moani Ke Ala O Kaualakahi, (Japan) kumu hula Nalani Keale.
Musicians' award: Moani Ke Ala Kaualakahi, kumu hula Nalani Keale.
Overall achievement (male or female halau): Moani Ke Ala O Kaualakahi, kumu hula Nalani Keale.
Kane: Winning both the language and combined dance and language awards Hawai'i soloist, Kuiokalani Lee Gapero, Ka Pa Hula O Ka Lei Lehua; and visiting soloist, Joey Acho Kamau Blas, Kiawekupono O Ka Ua (Guam).
Wahine: Winning both the language and the combined dance and language awards Hawai'i soloist, Heather Davis, Halau 'Olapakuikala'i O Hokuaulani; visiting soloist, Mao Pilahila'akea Goshi, Ka Ua Kilihune (Japan), instructor Chieko Shegeta.
Chanting award (given to highest achieving male or female): Kuiokalani Lee Gapero, Ka Pa Hula O Ka Lei Lehua.
This year, the festival named a pair of awards in honor of their late chief judge, kumu hula George Holokai, given to the individual or halau that demonstrated the truest spirit of aloha and kokua through the festival.
Aloha Award No. 1: Ke Ao O 'Anolani, kumu hula Ka'ohu Cazinha, for volunteerism and dedication.
Aloha Award No. 2: Na Lei Aloha Foundation for sponsorship support, volunteer work and donating sales proceeds to the festival.
Executive producer Paulie K. Jennings said the turnout was better than previous years, and organizers are looking forward to aid from the Waikiki Improvement Association in the coming year to attract still larger audiences. The competition, the largest focused on dancers from outside Hawai'i, "brings back Hawaiians from around the world, and they bring with them the people they have trained."
For information on the event, go to www.worldhula.com.