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The Honolulu Advertiser

Updated at 3:39 p.m., Tuesday, November 21, 2006

White House Travel Office head assaulted in Waikiki

By David Waite
Advertiser Staff Writer

The acting director of the White House Travel Office, who was traveling with President Bush's entourage, was robbed and beaten early this morning outside a Waikiki night club.

A short synopsis of the incident issued by the White House Press Office said three men mugged acting Travel Office director Gregg Pitts, 25, at about 2 a.m. as he walked through the International Marketplace near the Bobby G's dance club.

The press office said Pitts' nose was broken during the robbery, and that he spent today at The Queen's Medical Center and is expected to be released tomorrow.

A Honolulu Police Department spokesman did not identify the man or his position but discussed the attack at a press conference.

The victim had his wallet and identity taken, said HPD Capt. Frank Fujii. But Fujii did not know exactly what was taken from the man.

Pitts could not describe any of his attackers and police are looking for any witnesses.

Danny Peirce, assistant agent in charge at the Honolulu Secret Service office, said agents there had been briefed on the incident early this morning and dispelled rumors that the robbery victim was a Secret Service agent.

"He's not affiliated with the Secret Service in any capacity," Peirce said. He referred all questions about the incident to the Honolulu Police Department.

Gina Hamilton, the general manager at Bobby G's, said the mugging must have taken place outside of the club since the bartenders on duty last night did not fill out an incident report.

"Something like that would have almost certainly have been brought to my attention if it happened in the club, but nothing like that was reported to me," Hamilton said.

She said the club is in the middle of the Market Place area, which has an entrance on Kalakaua Avenue.

Reach David Waite at dwaite@honoluluadvertiser.com.