Posted at 7:11 a.m., Monday, October 16, 2006
Four-car accident slows traffic near Waiawa overpass
Advertiser Staff
Traffic heading in from Leeward and Central O'ahu is already off to a bad start on this first day of the new work week.A four-vehicle accident just just before the Waiawa Road overpass has snarled traffic resulting in a backup that extends all the way bqck to Makakilo in the town-bound lanes of the H-1 Freeway.
As a result, traffic is moving at a crawl through the H-1/H-2 merge. The pace picks up once past the collision scene and flows well until the Middle Street merge, which is bumper-to-bumper at this time.
The going is slow through Kalihi and Liliha, but clears some after the Kinau Street exit.
There are no substantial problems at this time heading in from the windward side and East O'ahu.
Police issued the following announcement at about 5:30 a.m. today:
As the electricity has been restored, traffic lights may not have been reset to the proper sequence or function. Please use extreme caution when approaching and entering an intersection in the event that lights may be flashing, or green intermittently for both directions of traffic.
The following locations have been reported:
Farrington Hwy at Haleakala, Helelua and Nanakuli; Ulune and Kahuapaani; Halawa Valley and Moanalua Road; Nimitz and Alakawa; Pali and Waokanaka; Puuloa and Salt Lake; numerous locations in the Honolulu area.
Use caution and treat intersections as a four way stop.
At 7:05 am. police were still assessing the situation.