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The Honolulu Advertiser

Updated at 3:29 p.m., Thursday, October 19, 2006

Lingle takes aerial tour, meets with BI residents

By Derrick DePledge
Advertiser Staff Writer

Gov. Linda Lingle and several of her cabinet officials took an aerial tour of West Hawai'i today, inspecting earthquake damage at Kealakekua Bay and Kawaihae Harbor before touching down in Kohala and meeting with residents.

Lingle visited Kohala Elementary School, which was temporarily closed after the earthquakes, then met with a few dozen residents near Kalahikiola Congregational Church in Kapa'au.

"I want to make sure I under promise and over deliver," Lingle told residents.

Several people who live in the area said they felt isolated after the earthquakes and that the damage to homes and businesses is more extensive than has been reported.

Hearing their concerns, Maj. Gen. Robert Lee, adjutant general and head of state Civil Defense, promised six humvees with two Hawai'i Army National Guard soldiers each by Friday morning, drawing applause.

Lingle, flying by National Guard Black Hawk helicopter, was scheduled to go to Hilo this afternoon for a briefing with Big Island Mayor Harry Kim.