Posted at 12:02 p.m., Friday, October 20, 2006
'Dog' Chapman
By Ken Kobayashi
Advertiser Staff Writer
William Bollard of Irvine, Calif., said a Mexican court has issued an order halting criminal proceedings on Chapman's deprivation of liberty charge related to Chapman catching convicted rapist and fugitive Andrew Lester in Mexico three years ago.
He said he is seeking dismissal of the charge, which would result in the Mexican government withdrawing its request to have Chapman extradited to Mexico.
At a news conference, Chapman thanked his supporters and said he hopes the matter can be resolved so he can return to Mexico to "chase down fugitives."
"These guys know where we can't find them," Chapman said.
Chapman's extradition case won't be heard in federal courts here until next year.
Reach Ken Kobayashi at