Updated at 4:42 p.m., Sunday, April 22, 2007
City to use smoke to test Waipahu sewer lines for leaks
Advertiser Staff
Crews from the City Environmental Services Department will be smoke-testing sewer lines on 14 Waipahu streets from April 24 to 27 and May 1 to 4, 2007.The tests will be done on Awamoku Street, Awamoku Place, Awanani Street, Maika'i Street, Maika'i Place, Awai'a Street, Awanui Street, Awala'i Street, Awala'i Place, Awaiki Street, Awaiki Place, Poailani Circle, Po'ailani Place and Waipi'o Point Access Road.
This is part of the city's continuing effort to prevent rainwater from entering the sewer system.
City crews will blow smoke into sewer lines and record where the smoke appears. The smoke used is nontoxic, harmless, and odorless. The smoke is not a fire hazard and does not pose a health hazard to humans or pets. Notification letters have been sent to area residents.
The test locates broken pipes, illegal connections, open cleanouts and other paths for runoff to enter the sewer system. Runoff from heavy rain can overwhelm the sewer system and treatment plants and cause spills.