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The Honolulu Advertiser

Posted at 10:52 a.m., Thursday, August 2, 2007

New Hawai'i lifestyle Web site launches

Advertiser Staff

Mixed Plate Special went online yesterday. The brainchild of O'ahu writer Catharine Lo (and former editor of Freesurf magazine), the site has four channels and a daily blog. It looks at Hawai'i's people, arts and culture, outdoor activities and food.

Showcasing original art, music, film, writing, photography and design, Mixed Plate Special is a virtual exhibition space for local talent. With an emphasis on things that are Hawai'i-grown, Mixed Plate Special tells stories from a local perspective.

"We're really excited about bringing a fresh media outlet to the islands, one that adds new dimensions to storytelling — audio, video, flash — that we hope will enrich the reader experience," says editor Lo. "We want our stories to pop, and we want readers to become more engaged than they can in print."

Readers can rate art shows, restaurants, film and books. Now online are features on artist Christopher St. John, paddler Jaimie Kinard, IONA director Cheryl Flaherty and bon dance season.

What does the name refer to? "Food is such an accessible metaphor for people who live in Hawai'i — the multicultural population, their interests, and their varied lifestyles form a literal mixed plate. We want to extend that metaphor to media," explains publisher Bruce Beinert. "Our media is the food with which we feed our minds. If we become what we put in our bodies, then our media guides how we think. Mixed Plate Special is a Hawai'i kind of thinking."

Go to www.mixedplatespecial.com.