Updated at 3:51 p.m., Saturday, August 25, 2007
Stream, block cleanups to be held during September
Advertiser Staff
Community volunteers, backed by City and County of Honolulu agencies, will do Adopt-A-Block and Adopt-A-Stream cleanups at various points around O'ahu throughout September.Among the communities due to receive a sprucing up are Pensacola-Ward, Ala Moana, Kalihi, 'Ewa Beach, Niu Valley, Waimanalo and Manoa.
"The Adopt-A-Stream/Adopt-A-Block work days are 'hands-on' activities for everyday environmental heroes in our communities," said Iwalani Sato, the city's coordinator. "Volunteers remove trash from city-owned streams, distribute pollution prevention fact sheets, and stencil storm drains to remind people to 'Dump No Waste, Protect our Waters ... for Life'," Sato said. Locations, dates, times and site leaders are listed below:
The Adopt-A-Stream/Adopt-A-Block program is coordinated by the Storm Water Quality Branch of the city's Department of Environmental Services, Division of Environmental Quality. Groups seeking to Adopt-A-Stream or Adopt-A-Block must meet these criteria: (a) adopt a portion of a city stream at least 200 linear feet or at least two city blocks, (b) agree to conduct quarterly cleanup days, and (c) maintain this agreement for at least two years.
Anyone wishing to volunteer for the clean-ups may sign up online (www.cleanwaterhonolulu.com).
Contact: Iwalani Sato, Department of Environmental Services, 780-8872.