Updated at 5:23 p.m., Wednesday, February 14, 2007
East Hawai'i transportation meeting set
Advertiser Staff
The public is invited to hear about East Hawai'i transportation issues at the Governor's East Hawai'i Council of Advisors' monthly meeting at 6 p.m. Feb. 22 in the Kea'au Elementary School cafeteria.Engineer Eric Worrell from the Federal Highways Administration Hawai'i Division will brief the council and the community about the benefits of using traffic roundabouts at roadway intersections. He will discuss the possibility and feasibility of roundabouts being used on Highway 130 to replace problem intersections.
The governor's Neighbor Island councils of advisers provide a list of short- and long-term issues and goals that they believe should be addressed by state government. The councils also identify spending priorities and potential new sources of revenue for the state and nominate people from the Neighbor Islands to serve on state boards and commissions.
The members of the Governor's East Hawai'i Council of Advisors are Chairman Alton Okinaka, John Kai, Andy Baclig, Carol Van Camp, Jennifer Zelko, Kainoa Kaumeheiwa-Rego, Ken Ahlo and Walter Moe.
Anyone requiring special assistance or accommodations to participate at this meeting may call 974-6262. For additional information on Neighbor Island councils of advisers, visit the governor's Web site at www.hawaii.gov/gov.