Posted at 2:20 a.m., Wednesday, January 17, 2007
DLNR to start emergency dredging of Wailoa harbor
Advertiser Staff
Emergency dredging begins today to remove shoaled areas at the entrance to the Wailoa Small Boat Harbor, the Department of Land and Natural Resources said in a news release.The shoals haves created a navigational hazard for boats that use the boating facilities. The DLNR's Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation (DOBOR) has contracted American Marine Corporation to remove approximately 25,000 cubic yards of silted sand from the entrance channel and outer portion of the Wailoa Small Boat Harbor.
Project cost is $993,675.
"The dredging of the Wailoa channel will allow vessels with deeper drafts to safely clear the harbor entrance. Because of natural siltation, the mouth of the channel has become congested, making navigation unsafe for boaters. We are working to correct this situation," said Peter Young, DLNR chairman.
The dredged material will be dewatered at the adjacent Hilo Bayfront Beach Park, and when dry will be trucked to a State-owned parcel located along Kamehameha Avenue and Manono Street. The dredged material, which consists mainly of sand, will be tested and stockpiled for future use.
The dredging activities will occur on weekdays only, except for State holidays, from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and will be completed in May.
Boaters utilizing the launch ramp and/or harbor should exit before 7 a.m. and return after 3:30 p.m., as the barge will block the harbor entrance channel. For emergency access to the harbor, boaters should call the contractor on VHF Channel 70.
For the duration of this project, a portion of the Bayfront Beach Park closest to the harbor will be closed to the public. Also, the makai portion of the parking lot in the Wailoa Small Boat Harbor will be utilized by the contractor for equipment and material storage.
Boaters needing more information about the project may contact Glenn Mayeda, Wailoa Harbor Agent at (808) 933-0414, or via e-mail at