Posted at 6:46 a.m., Saturday, July 7, 2007
Lawmakers, youth leagues look at safety of metal bats
By Genaro C. Armas
Associated Press
But a small though vocal contingent of lawmakers, coaches and parents have tried to drown out the "ping" with calls to ban metal bats. The bats are dangerous, critics contend, because balls can fly off of them at high speeds that can injure younger, less experienced fielders with little time to react.
"In the end, it's a question of safety," said Pennsylvania state Rep. Mike Carroll, who introduced a bill this month in the legislature that would make kids under 18 use only wood bats.
His proposal comes after the New York City Council passed a metal bat ban in high school games, to the chagrin of sporting goods companies and organizing bodies like USA Baseball and Little League Baseball. They say there is no evidence proving wood bats are safer than aluminum or composite bats.
"We think no injury is acceptable," said Little League president Stephen Keener, from his office overlooking the field where the Little League World Series is played each year with aluminum bats. "But at the same time, we'll never be able to regulate injuries out of the game."
That hasn't kept some state lawmakers and administrators from taking a closer look at metal bats.
New Jersey legislators have been considering a proposal similar to the one passed in New York City.
In North Dakota, high school baseball teams this year completed their first season playing entirely with wood bats the first state league to do so. Coaches supported the measure after growing weary of injuries caused by line drives smoked off aluminum bats.
Dave Carlsrud, assistant executive secretary of the North Dakota High School Activities Association, said "the consensus seems to be that it's safer.
"To old people, it sounds like baseball," he said.
Many supporters of a ban cite two accidents in recent years, including the death of 18-year-old Brandon Patch, who was struck in the temple by a baseball off of an aluminum bat in an American Legion game for Miles City, Mont., in 2003.
A 12-year-old boy in New Jersey went into cardiac arrest last summer after a line drive off a metal bat struck him in the chest in the millisecond between his heartbeats. The boy returned home from the hospital in February.
Opponents of a ban, including youth baseball organizations and manufacturers, say that such cases are rare. They cite several studies, such as 2002 findings from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, that conclude there is insufficient evidence to show nonwood bats pose greater risk of injury.
Little League allows local leagues and players to choose what bats they want to use. Rules in place since the early 1990s require that the best aluminum bats not be capable of hitting the ball any harder or faster than the best wood bats. High school associations have similar rules.
Critics of metal bat bans note that wood bats can shatter. Pitcher Rick Helling was impaled in his left arm by a piece of a broken bat while making a start for the Milwaukee Brewers' Triple-A affiliate on May 27, 2005. Helling was not badly injured and was able to make his next start.
But fans like Stanley Williams, a Little League coach for nearly three decades, point to tradition in favoring wood.
Metal bats, he said, can turn would-be one-hoppers into line drives in the gap. With wood, hitters learn to be more selective at the plate, he said. Players bunt more.
"No one gets an advantage with wood bats," said Williams, who coaches in the Broadview Little League in Chicago.
Trevor Christiansen, an outfielder for Valley City High School in North Dakota, learned about being selective at bat after his first season playing with wood only.
Fielding got easier, too. Line drives were easier to track down and catch.
"The game is a lot slower," said Christiansen, who graduated this year from Valley City.
A league switching to wood is fine with baseball fan Ari Fleischer _ as long as it's because coaches want a slower, "small-ball" style of play. Fleischer is a former White House press secretary for President Bush.
"But no one should say it's because of safety. There's no evidence to back up that charge," said Fleischer, a spokesman for a coalition of sporting goods companies and youth baseball organizations called Don't Take My Bat Away. The organization has asked a federal court to overturn New York's law.
Aluminum bats have advantages for kids getting into the game, Fleischer said. The bats are lighter, allowing for Little Leaguers to get the bat through the strike zone faster.
Compared with wood bats, metal bats typically have bigger "sweet spots" the point of contact at which the ball can travel the farthest. It's the point at which a batter would feel minimal vibrations from making contact.
A bigger sweet spot may make baseball more appealing to a smaller kid who has difficulty smacking the ball out of the infield.
Opinion from parents at a recent girls softball game for 12- and 13-year-olds in State College was nearly unanimous against a ban. Parent Linda Bowman said lawmakers have "more important things to look at besides that."
Nearby, Lynn Tressler watched from a camp chair as his daughter, Emily, played outfield in the game using aluminum bats. Tressler said he didn't think a ban was needed for middle-schoolers, but possibly for older players.
Money can play a big factor. Aluminum bats typically last longer than wood bats and costs typically from about $20 to several hundred dollars. New wood bats can cost from $15 to at least $100.
Brad Frantz, 16, recently purchased his first wood bat for an all-wood baseball tournament. He's not a fan, especially after the bat broke the second time he used it in a hitting cage.
"With aluminum, you can have more fun with it," he said from the wood bleachers as his 13-year-old sister, Kara, played third base in the softball game. "You can hit it farther, longer."