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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Community's help needed in our schools

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  • Visit the Hawaii 3Rs Web site, www.hawaii3rs.com, or call 521-5524.

  • For the Volunteers and Partners Program, go to http://doe.k12.hi.us/volunteer/index.htm.

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    With new test scores recently released, No Child coming up for reauthorization and a new school year just beginning, the push for student success is in full throttle. But if we expect our children to succeed in classrooms, we must provide them with the tools they need.

    Traditionally, that responsibility has fallen solely on the state Department of Education — and for the most part, the DOE should cover the basic necessities. But there's no such thing as too much support for our kids.

    Beginning yesterday, The Advertiser launched a week-long series of articles providing readers with tips on how to help local schools. Whether it's money, materials or time, donations from parents and businesses have played a crucial role in easing the deficiencies in our classrooms.

    The promising pilot project, Volunteers and Partners Program, lists programs at four schools that need help for those who want to contribute. If successful, the DOE should expand it to all public schools. It should also explore other community outreach efforts.

    Volunteering time and making donations to our public schools aren't just acts of charity, they're investments in our children's future.