Updated at 8:54 a.m., Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Polynesian Cultural Center launches interactive game
News Release
LAIE Hawaii's Polynesian Cultural Center is launching its first-ever interactive Web site game to give away trips to Hawai'i."This is a great approach to sign up you and your friends for a free Hawaiian trip," said Ray Magalei, PCC marketing director. "When you get into the Tiki Wisdom Challenge, you'll instantly see the personality of Polynesia and feel like you are one step closer to Hawai'i.
"Your friends will know you are thinking about them because they'll get an email from 'Tiki' that says, 'Your friend has invited you to Hawaii.' That directs you to a postcard from your secret friend that says, 'The Tiki gods have requested that you come before them to prove your true friendship to me by guessing who I am. They will give you clues that I have set up. If you guess who I am, we could win a trip to Hawai'i. Be careful, though. If you guess wrong, they might get angry.'"
The Tiki Wisdom Challenge, at polynesianculturalcenter.com, is open until May 31, 2007. Winners will be announced June 7, 2007, must book their trip by Sept. 1, 2007, and must use their free trip by May 31, 2008. Participants can enter as many times as they prefer.
"We expect this will go big in the viral community instantly," said Magalei. "We want everyone to experience the beauty and excitement of the Polynesian culture we enjoy everyday at Hawai'i's Polynesian Cultural Center."
Since its opening in 1963, more than 32 million guests from royalty and heads-of-state to celebrities, such as Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe -- have visited the Polynesian people and their arts and customs at the Polynesian Cultural Center. The 42-acre facility on Oahu's famous North Shore preserves and portrays the cultures, arts and crafts of Polynesia.