Posted at 12:07 p.m., Thursday, May 10, 2007
House rejects 9-month withdrawal for troops
Associated Press Special Correspondent
The vote on the nine-month withdrawal measure was 255-171.
On a day of complex maneuvering, Democrats said they would approve legislation funding the war on an installment plan and Bush said he would veto it. But the president, under pressure from lawmakers in both parties, coupled his threat with an offer to compromise on a spending bill that sets standards for the Iraqi government.
"Time's running out, because the longer we wait the more strain we're going to put on the military," said Bush, who previously had insisted on what he termed a "clean" war funding bill.
Despite Bush's ability to sustain his vetoes in the House as demonstrated last week critics of the war insisted on challenging him anew.
"This war is a terrible tragedy and it is time to bring it to an end," said Rep. James McGovern, leading advocate of the bill to establish a nine-month withdrawal timetable. "For four long, deadly years, this administration and their allies in Congress have been flat wrong about Iraq," said the Massachusetts Democrat.
Republicans argued that a withdrawal would be disastrous.
"Now is not the time to signal retreat and surrender. How could this Congress walk away from our men and women in uniform," said Rep. Jerry Lewis, R-Calif.