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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Saturday, May 26, 2007

Faith calendar

Advertiser Staff

Events listed below are free or accept an unspecified donation unless otherwise noted.

"This Gentle Flame of Love," video talk by Harold Klemp, spiritual leader of Eckankar, with a discussion and spiritual exercise to follow, 1:30 p.m. tomorrow, Honolulu Eckankar Center, 1056 12th Ave., room 201. 735-7719.

"Essentials of Hinduism: the Yogas," Swami Bhaskarananda, president of the Vedanta Society of Western Washington, talks on Hinduism, 11:30 a.m. tomorrow, YWCA, 1040 Richards St., room 309. 734-1760.

Pentecost/Feast of Shavuot 2007, inter-church 24-hour worship and prayer vigil, 4 p.m. tomorrow through 4 p.m. Monday, Calvary Church, 45-435 'Aumoku St., Kane'ohe. 256-5267, 24.7projecthawaii2007@gmail.com.

9th annual Lantern Floating Hawai'i, honoring loved ones who have passed on and those who have died in war, and offering prayers for peace, with candle-lit paper lanterns set afloat and music by Keola Beamer, Natalie A'i Kamau'u and Halau Olana A'i, 6:30 p.m. Monday, Ala Moana Beach Park; free parking and shuttle from the Hawai'i Convention Center parking lot; sponsored by Na Lei Aloha Foundation and Shinnyo-en Hawai'i; 947-2814, 941-1848, www.lanternfloatinghawaii.com.

All Believers Network (Belnet) Meeting, with a talk by Maryknoll Sister Joan Chatfield on differing faiths and human values, 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Harris United Methodist Church. 347-3249.

"Tibetan Buddhist Path," series of videos from 1974 Naropa Institute seminar by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, 7-8:30 p.m. Thursday, Kailua Shambhala Meditation Center. 342-6298.

Send announcements with contact name and phone number to: Faith Calendar, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802; faith@honoluluadvertiser.com with "Faith Cal" in the subject line; fax 525-8055.