Posted at 2:53 a.m., Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Youth program participants to repair public housing
Advertiser Staff
YouthBuild, a city program, and Youth Services will help renovate state public housing units including those at Mayor Wright Homes and at the Kalihi Valley Homes.Using workers from the city's Youth Services and from YouthBuild, volunteers will make such repairs as painting and structural work, groundskeeping, landscaping, parking lot striping and graffiti removal.
Youth Services and YouthBuild are programs that provide low income youth who are high school dropouts and youth offenders ages 16 to 24 with work skills and a chance to obtain a high school certificates certificate. A key component is community service. Since 2005, participants have helped repair 25 public housing units and helped with the cleanup of Kawai Nui Marsh, city parks and with graffiti removal.