Posted at 1:18 a.m., Friday, November 30, 2007
Chaminade to hold holiday lighting ceremony Monday
Advertiser Staff
HONOLULU Chaminade University will light up its campus for the holidays on Monday, Dec. 3.The festivities will begin at 7 p.m. with a special Las Posadas celebration parade, starting in front of Hale Lokelani student residence hall, moving to Hale Pohaku residence hall, then to Hale Malia, the Marianists' residence hall and finally onward to the front of Freitas Hall, where the lights will be turned on brightening up the campus through out December.
Onlookers will be welcomed into Freitas Hall for refreshments and invited to help decorate the Loo Student Center tree.
Las Posadas is one of the most popular celebrations in Mexico during the month of December.
"Posadas" is Spanish for lodging and the celebration is done to remember the difficulties of Joseph and Mary, who were looking for a place to stay in Bethlehem.
Las Posadas participants at Chaminade will venture to the front of three residence halls, asking for lodging. Denied, the 'pilgrims' will finally be welcomed in by the 'innkeeper' at Freitas Hall, who with staff, will light up the campus.
The event is free and open to the public. There will also be caroling and a piņata. Brother Luis A. Gamboa, head organizer, has suggested people dress in red and green.