Updated at 9:22 a.m., Friday, September 7, 2007
11 Hawaii schools successfully appeal No Child status
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Eleven schools that failed to make "Adequate Yearly Progress" according to preliminary Hawaii State Assessment results released in July have successfully appealed their No Child Left Behind status.Another school, whose results were previously undetermined, also made AYP, increasing the total number of schools to meet AYP goals to 182 schools.
Since the preliminary AYP results were announced on July 19, the following schools' AYP status has changed from "not met" to "met:" Hawaii Academy of Arts & Science, Kahakai Elementary, Kaiulani Elementary, Kaleiopuu Elementary, Kamakau Laboratory, Kealakehe Elementary, Mililani Waena Elementary, Olomana School, Waimea Elementary, West Hawaii Explorations Academy and Wheeler Middle.
Wheeler Middle School was able to exit sanctions completely based on their appeal.
Linapuni Elementary, whose status was previously undetermined, also made AYP.
The final No Child Left Behind status for School Year 2007-08 finds 120 schools in "Good Standing" (42.6 percent), 50 in "School Improvement" (17.7 percent), 18 in "Corrective Action" (6.4 percent), 46 in "Planning for Restructuring" (16.3 percent), and 48 in "Restructuring" (17 percent).
For more information, see reports posted online at http://arch.k12.hi.us.