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The Honolulu Advertiser

Updated at 12:31 p.m., Friday, September 7, 2007

State-private funding tagged for Lanai Airport upgrades

Advertiser Staff

Gov. Linda Lingle has released $186,000 in private and state funds for the construction of a new aircraft parking apron at Lana'i Airport to accommodate current and projected general aviation operations.

This project is unique in that the majority land owner on Lana'i, Castle & Cooke, is contributing $176,000 toward the construction costs. The state's share of $10,000 will fund nonlabor staff costs for the oversight of construction on state land. The total project cost is $3.5 million, of which about $3,3 million will be funded by a federal grant.

"Lana'i Airport has limited aircraft parking and lacks the facilities for an airport service center that can provide aircraft with ground services," Lingle said in a news release issued today.

"Showing a shared commitment on the part of Castle & Cooke and the state to upgrade Lana'i Airport, this project will address the airport's shortcomings so that it can sustain future growth."

The new general aviation parking apron will be 139,500 square feet and adjacent to and west of the airport's existing apron. In addition to expanding its capacity, the new apron will provide the necessary facilities for future Fixed Base Operator (FBO) development. An FBO is an airport-based service center that offers such services as aircraft parking, fueling and repairs.

Construction is scheduled to begin in November and be completed in February.