Updated at 10:53 a.m., Thursday, January 17, 2008
Clean Air Branch imposes fines on 2 Hawaii quarries
Advertiser Staff
The Hawaii Department of Health's Clean Air Branch has imposed a $3,500 fine on Kalaka Nui Inc. of O'ahu and $2,900 fine on TRI-L Construction Inc. of Moloka'i for not conducting required annual testing.The department said it issued a notice of violation and order against both companies. They have 20 days to contest the order.
The state said Kalaka Nui violated its temporary covered source permit by not conducting an annual source performance test in 2006. Kalaka Nui operates a crushing and screening plant.
The state said quarrying and stone-processing plants can pose dust problems for nearby homes, roads and public areas. The annual source performance test ensures compliance with state and federal rules.
The department said TRI-L violated its covered source permit by not conducting a 2006 test for a stone-quarrying and processing plant and had failed to conduct visible emission observations on two diesel engine generators.