Posted on: Sunday, March 16, 2008
Some dos, don'ts for Donovan
Ferd Lewis
Advertiser Columnist
Jim Donovan
Athletic Director
University of Hawai'i
Dear Jim,
As you have been noticing, a lot has changed in the 5 1/2 years you've been away from athletic administration at UH.
And while we have no doubt you will soon get the hang of the place again, those of us who would like to see you get off to a good start have a few helpful hints that might be of assistance in your first days back on campus:
Don't be surprised when people do a double take at seeing the athletic director in town and working.
Check the soda machines outside the department for loose change. Don't laugh; with the deficit you're inheriting, every bit helps.
Never say that completing the football schedule is, "a piece of cake" and then not be able to fill it.
Yes, Idaho really did get invited into the Western Athletic Conference.
Up against a tough problem? Ask yourself: What would Stan Sheriff do?
If the Warriors are fortunate enough to go to another Bowl Championship Series game in your lifetime, take the pulse of the people on tickets before turning thousands back.
If the pictures on the wall in Carl Clapp's office look familiar, it might be because they used to be yours.
There really is no athletic department rule against hiring people from Hawai'i.
Always make sure there is soap in the athletes' showers.
Never begin a sentence with, "at Arizona State ..."
When Charleston Southern or Northern Colorado call about future football games, tell 'em, thanks, but UH is not planning to field a junior varsity team.
Have a question? Ask Margie Okimoto. She's been the secretary for five previous athletic directors. The ones who listened usually did well.
It is always nice to congratulate the Manoa Chancellor on her choice of cowgirl hats.
Don't hold anything against the folks who were on the 2002 athletic director search committee. They really didn't have a say in the process, either.
It won't hurt to remind UH President David McClain that you were a student of his and learned much from him. But you might not want to remind him that he also headed the previous AD selection committee.
When mentioning ESPN in the presence of Jim Leahey, do it softly — and duck.
It is never too early to begin work on those future football schedules, especially if you can get Southern Methodist in here.
Do remind people that you had a hand in hiring June Jones. But you might want to forget to mention that you were also involved in the Fred vonAppen hire.
Re-sign coaches before their contracts are about to run down — or they leave. After all, that's what opened up this job.
Reach Ferd Lewis at or 525-8044.
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