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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bishop Museum lowers admission rate tomorrow

Advertiser Staff

Bishop Museum has closed its Hawaiian Hall Complex for temporary maintenance work. In return it is offering lower admission rates for tomorrow: $5 for adults and $3 for keiki 4 and under. (Reduced prices can not be combined with discount coupons or other promotions.)

Exhibits that are available include:

Backyard Monsters: The World of Insects, Castle Memorial Building
This exhibit features six robotic insects that are between 10 and 12 feet in length, including a 12-foot tarantula, a giant paper wasp, a Monarch butterfly, fighting beetles, and a tomato caterpillar. Backyard Monsters also includes nine insect display cases and interactive exhibits that allow visitors to explore bug sounds, insect vision and discover the worldwide insect population. The exhibition has seven display cases of exotic insects such as longhorn beetles, butterflies, moths and arachnids.

Pauahi: A Legacy for Hawaii, Castle Memorial Building
This exhibit features items from many of the early collections at Bishop Museum, valued treasures associated with Hawaiian ali‘i, and striking examples of Hawaiian mastery.

Richard T. Mamiya Science Adventure Center
This three-floor gallery centers on Hawai‘i’s unique natural environment and offers a number of hands-on exhibits, a lava demonstration and more.

Also included in the admission rate are the planetarium shows and the Science on a Sphere exhibit that take place in the Jhamandas Watamull Planetarium. The popular Music and Dance of Hawai‘i hula program will take place in the Atherton Halau.

Regular admission rates will resume on Thursday.