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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Saturday, March 21, 2009

Faith calendar

Admission is free unless otherwise noted.

UNITED IN PRAYER DAY: Oneness — Unity in Contemplation, sponsored by Contemplative Outreach of Hawaii, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. March 21, Central Union Church (bring brown-bag lunch). 536-6090.

HAVE YOU HAD A SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE?, open discussion of such things as "flying" in your dreams, thinking you've lived before, deja vu experiences, sponsored by Eckankar, for all faiths, 2 to 3:30 p.m. March 22, Coffee Talk shop, Kaimuki. 735-7719.

BACHanalia: A Celebration of J.S. Bach's Music, March 22, Lutheran Church of Honolulu: 2:30 p.m., organ marathon by members of the American Guild of Organists' local chapter; 5:15 p.m., Bach Vespers for Lent, presented by the choir of the Lutheran Church of Honolulu. 941-2566.

LENTEN MUSIC MEDITATIONS, including reflective requiems, Masses and lamentations, 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays, through April 14, St. Clement Episcopal Church, Makiki. 955-7745.

LENT AND ALL THAT JAZZ, lenten musical celebrations with jazz performers, noon Wednesdays through April 8 (March 25, with Starr Kalahiki, Rocky Holmes, Steve Jones, Morgan Grant and Betty Loo Taylor), Kawaiaha'o Church. 532-1260.

REACQUAINTANCE GATHERINGS for inactive Catholics seeking answers about returning to the church, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays through April 15, St. Anthony of Padua Church, Kailua, Makai Room. 266-2222.

DISCOVERING THE LABYRINTH, discussion by Marcie Uehara Herring, director of Kai Wellness Center, one of an ongoing series of community discussions, "Thursdays at St. Andrew's," 5:45 p.m. March 26, Episcopal Cathedral of St. Andrew. 524-2822.

HOPE INC. INC., People of Compassion Giving Hope in the Name of Christ to Children, Youth and Families, a child placement organization, 10th anniversary family reunion picnic, noon to 5 p.m. March 28, Hickam Air Force Base, Marine Cabana No. 1; reservations by March 22, at 277-2561.