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Cusick's big break

Henry Ian Cusick
© Randee St. Nicholas

February 4, 2007

By Heidi Chang
Special to the Advertiser

Since Cusick’s acting career has taken off in America with “Lost,” it’s been quite a ride. And he says he doesn’t take anything for granted.

Before he was cast in “Lost,” the actor experienced leaner times earlier in his career. Cusick remembers working odd jobs — in bars, for example — to make ends meet.

His supportive wife, Annie Wood, ran a children’s theater company in London. (Wood has recently joined the board of the Honolulu Theatre for Youth.

“For a long time, she was the breadwinner and I’d be the househusband, looking after the children, taking them to school, doing all that sort of stuff,” recalls Cusick.

“Then, when I had a job, it would have to be a job that justified me bringing in someone to look after the kids, so I could go and work. So that was kind of tricky. Because when you’re doing repertory theater, it doesn’t pay very much. So I’d get offers, and I’d say, ‘I’d love to do it, but I can’t afford to do it, because I’ll be out of pocket.’ And then there were little bits in film and TV.”

He adds, “In Britain, it’s smaller. There’s a lot more actors for the size of the industry. It’s harder.”

What kept Cusick focused on his dream? “I am a big dreamer,” he responds, laughing, and brightens up with a smile. “And I just thought as an actor all you need is one break. I got it. This was it. And I put so much time and effort and energy into it, that I thought, I can’t walk away now. “So you keep going, and it paid off.”

Also: Cusick riding the 'best wave of his life'

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