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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Saturday, April 15, 2006

Open your heart and let Jesus in

By H. Murray Hohns

Easter, the centerpiece of the Christian faith, celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. The proclamation of "He is risen" and its response, "He is risen indeed," will keynote Easter services all over the world. The only reason I write these words is the resurrection.

The apostle Paul wrote that if Christ did not rise, our faith is in vain; useless, meaningless, totally lacking in value and merit; a waste of time.

But when Paul wrote those words, he had already encountered the risen Christ.

Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus. That momentary meeting changed Paul from one who persecuted the followers of Christ into one who led them and still today leads and shapes the church through his writings.

We learn from Paul that while sin came into the world by the disobedience of one man, redemption, grace and truth also came by one man, the one we call Jesus, savior, the lover of our soul.

Jesus loves us. Moreover, Jesus loves you.

I heard those words for the first time 45 years ago: "Jesus loves Murray." Jesus was standing at the door of my heart, knocking and hoping I would invite him in.

I heard those words that day and invited Jesus into my heart. I did not understand what was to come. I had no background in this form of thought. I only knew that I wanted to be loved by God, that I needed a savior. I wanted the circumstances I faced to change.

So I swallowed my pride, my self-assurance, my assumptions, traditions and simply asked Jesus to come into my heart. And he did.

Something happened, something wonderful, so wonderful that 45 years later I invite you to do what I did. Jesus loves you, dear one. He is standing at the door of your heart and knocking right now. Jesus is hoping that you will invite him in.

If you do, this Easter season will be filled with delight and wonder. You will become a child of the king, king Jesus, son of God and son of man. He is the mighty God able to save all who call on him.

H. Murray Hohns of Makiki is an associate pastor at New Hope Christian Fellowship. Expressions of Faith is a column that welcomes submissions from pastors, priests, lay workers and other leaders in faith and spirituality. E-mail or call 525-8035. Articles submitted to The Advertiser may be published or distributed in print, electronic or other forms.