'Aha Punana Leo to honor Waikiki entertainer
| Spirit of 76 |
By Wayne Harada
Advertiser Entertainment Writer
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Don Ho will be saluted as the 2006 Ne'epapa I Ke O Mau (Moving Forward Together) honoree by 'Aha Punana Leo on Dec. 15 at the Sheraton Waikiki hotel.
"Don Ho has dedicated his life to sharing the uniqueness of Hawai'i's culture, language and heritage through his tireless work as an entertainer over the past 40-plus years," said Kauanoe Kamana, 'Aha Punana Leo board president and founder. The organization operates 22 schools throughout the state, from preschools to high schools, and also fosters curriculum development and college-level instruction and degrees in the Hawaiian language.
The Waikiki entertainer was lauded for "his work as an ambassador for our Island home and his desire to continually hold on to, promote and uplift our culture ... through a time where being Hawaiian may not have been too popular," said Kamana in a statement. "His dedication and passion helped to prime Hawai'i for the revitalization efforts we experience today, especially relative to our native language. Don has supported our efforts for years, generously opening his heart, talents and gift of celebrity to us."
Reach Wayne Harada at wharada@honoluluadvertiser.com.