Debate important for the voters as well
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Since there have been so few face-to-face encounters between Sen. Daniel Akaka and Rep. Ed Case in their contest for the Democratic senatorial nomination, tonight's televised debate, joint appearance, forum or whatever one wishes to call it has taken on extra weight.
While the two campaigns are treating this appearance as the high-stakes event it is, it is equally important for the voters. It may be the first, last and best opportunity to compare the two candidates at the same time and under the same conditions.
If you intend to vote in the September primary, you owe it to yourself to watch this one closely.
But as is true for any televised appearance, it is important to do more than simply watch. Make your own checklist of what is important to you in a candidate and see if you hear or see it in tonight's forum.
Are you looking for a candidate whose positions most closely match your own? Or, do you want someone who reflects the basic values you hold close, leaving the details of policy positions to the candidate?
Do you value a candidate who has wit or a magnificent handle on facts and figures? Or perhaps you want a candidate who can take the issues and ideas of the moment and frame them in a way that best honors the feelings and aspirations of his constituency?
Sorting these questions out during a quick one-hour television appearance can be tricky. Many remember the first televised Nixon-Kennedy debate, where television viewers tended to believe Kennedy won while those who listened on radio thought Nixon did a better job.
So take the time to make some notes, listen and watch carefully and see whether this event will be enough to help you make this most important decision.