Family of eight needs a rental and more clothing
Help our neighbors in need |
By Mary Vorsino
Advertiser Staff Writer
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For six years, the Kaneakua family has lived in a tent at Mokule'ia Beach Park.
It's been so long that the hardships have gotten almost routine. They take showers in a public bathroom, sleep on thin pallets on the sand. The children read and finish homework by lantern light. And the family huddles close on windy, rainy nights, when having no walls can be particularly uncomfortable.
"We haven't been able to get any rental because of the size of our family," said Rose Kaneakua, who has six children. The oldest is 9, the youngest 1.
"We haven't met a nice landlord yet," she quipped.
The Kaneakuas were living with in-laws before they were forced onto the streets. Though they have tried and tried and tried, they haven't been able to find a rental.
Their story is not entirely sad, though.
When the family moved to the beach, Kaulana Kaneakua was using drugs and behaving abusively toward his wife. He was incarcerated twice for domestic violence. The second time around, he was separated from his family for a month, which gave him time to realize how much he loves and needs them. He took anger management classes and has since stayed drug-free.
"It's been wonderful," Rose Kaneakua said. "He's changed completely."
The couple also quit smoking last year when they realized how much they were spending on cigarettes. With the money they saved, they took their kids to their first movie.
Kaulana Kaneakua works six days a week, but his pay barely covers food for eight, and household items. Rose Kaneakua said being on the streets is expensive.
Though there's no rent, she has to budget to buy meals daily — because there's no refrigeration — and washes clothes at a laundromat. She also said her kids need more now that they're a little older. In addition to school supplies, they need more clothes and shoes.
She said her older children used to be unfazed about living on the beach. But now the conditions are affecting their schoolwork. And, she said, they get teased.
"They have a hard time concentrating," she said. "It's hard on them."
The family is still looking for housing, but also has applied for a Section 8 rental voucher and for help from Habitat for Humanity. They said any help in finding affordable housing would be appreciated.
They also are asking for clothes, blankets, pillows and a folding mattress. The three older boys in the family — ages 9, 8, and 5 — wear sizes 10, 8 and 6, respectively. The 4-year-old girl wears 5T, while the 3-year-old boy wears 3T or 4T. The baby of the family, who is 1, wears 24 months in infant's wear.
Millie and Frank Dillard — $500
Deeanna Heily — $200
The Kims' grand and great-grandchildren — $200
Honolulu Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Iota — $178.67
Alvin and Arlene Ebisuya, in memory of Dennis H. Oishi and Frank K. Ebisuya — $150
June Anderson — $100
Annie and Neal Arakaki — $100
Lydia Au, in loving memory of Laurel A. Muneoka — $100
Frank and Gloria Castro — $100
Mary and Bruce Cropp — $100
Herbert Frantz — $100
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ginoza — $100
Mark and Susan Hanson — $100
Glenn Hayashi — $100
Virginia Jordan — $100
Audrey Pool Kelly — $100
Melba Kop — $100
Harry Okamura — $100
Judy Riekena — $100
Raymond and Elaine Sakai — $100
F.K. and Patricia Sekiya — $100
Reggie and Myra Yamada — $100
Jane Carlile — $75
Pat Lefleur — $75
Kymbal and Ross Roley — $75
Gabriel and Lynette Amaral — $50
Tricia Castro — $50
Ladyne Diekmann — $50
Jean Garcia — $50
George and Amy Horibata — $50
Mary and Ralph Jones — $50
Winifred Nakamura — $50
Pat and Teri — $50
Alvin Roque — $50
Caryn Rosen — $50
Robert Whittier — $50
Leatrice Yokoi-Moon — $50
Joan and Terence Yamamoto, in loving memory of Miyuki and Travis Hosaka — $40
Betty and Ronald Morikawa — $35
Ciriaca Dumayas, in memory of Felito Dumayas — $30
Frank and Priscilla Gaison — $25
George and Elmira Leong — $25
Hanako and Lloyd Nakagawa — $25
John and Dulcie Neeley — $25
M. and S. O. — $25
Elizabeth and Gary Riley — $25
James Whiton — $25
Thomas Chun — $25
Gerald Endo — $20
Katherine Tracy — $10
Anonymous — $1000
Anonymous, in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Yoshikazu Morimoto — $100
Anonymous — $100
Anonymous — $50
Anonymous — $25
Anonymous — $25
Anonymous — $25
Anonymous — $21
Total: — $5,429.67
Total to date: — $42,435.67
Reach Mary Vorsino at