Recent donations to The Advertiser Christmas Fund
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- Coastal Construction Company, Inc $5,000
- Samuel Kalilikane $500
- Samuel Kalilikane $500
- Edwin & Elsie Nitta $500
- Nery L. Heenan in memory of my brother Emilio Llamanzares $350
- Judith Dion Pyle & Mary Ann Belke $250
- Merle & George Moribe $200
- Pearl Harbor Apprentice Association $200
- Thomas & Sandra Sakamoto $200
- Uncle Bill DBF $200
- Moni Marc Inc. $150
- Ronald & Lillian Hasselman $130
- Albert & Soledad Aquino $100
- George Ariyoshi $100
- Tyler & Sammy Dang in memory of Richard Dang $100
- Ethel Furukawa in memory of Betty K. Hamade $100
- Miles & Gayle Ishima $100
- Gordon K.S. Jay & Barbara Vonnegut $100
- Jacob Kaleikini Jr. $100
- Keiko Niwa $100
- Henry & Joan Oyama $100
- Robert Sumida $100
- Charlene Yamashiro $100
- Badoc Pinili Aid Association of Hawaii $75
- Wayne Becker $50
- Lloyd & Susan Sako $50
- Masaru Higa $30
- Elizabeth Dost $25
- In memory of Dorothy L. Devereux $25
- In memory of Eva L. Kalauana $25
- In memory of John William Devereux, MD $25
- In memory of Moses Yim $25
- Jennifer Koo $25
- On behalf of Devereux/Prange Family, Gig Harbor, Wash. $25
- On behalf of Diane & Bob Ackerson $25
- On behalf of John William Devereux Jr. Family, Roseburg, Ore. $25
- On behalf of LaurelAnn Ackerson, Ocean Beach, Calif. $25
- On behalf of David & Laura Roberts Family, Escondido, Calif. $25
- On behalf of Fred Devereux Family, Hillsboro, Ore. $25
- On behalf of the Koko Isle Homeowners Association, Hawaii Kai $25
- On behalf of Rick & Kathy Brady Family, San Clemente, Calif. $25
- On behalf of Sidiropoulos Family, Jefferson City, Mo. $25
- Yoshimi & Violet Ono $25
- Patricia Siquig $25
- Ernest & Alice Theodore $25
- Jack Wilson $25
- Brandon & Stephanie Silva $10
- Anonymous $200
- Anonymous $100
- Anonymous $100
- Anonymous $50
- Anonymous in memory of Aunty Gladys $25
- Anonymous $25
- Anonymous $25
Total $10,495
Total to date $214,850.41