Wiccans in symbolic fight
By Dennis Camire and Stephanie Clary
Gannett News Service
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WASHINGTON � Marine Lance Cpl. Eric Ballard believes the Veterans Affairs Department is denying him a right by not permitting him to have the pentacle, his Wiccan faith's symbol, engraved on his government-issued tombstone when he dies.
"I serve my country and I live my religion and both are very dear to me," said Ballard, the acting lay leader for Wiccans at Marine Corps Base Hawai'i in Kane'ohe. "I feel like I should be represented as both, as an active-duty military person and as a Wiccan."
Roberta Stewart also is upset with the VA for not allowing a pentacle, a circle with an inscribed five-pointed star, to be used on a memorial plaque for her husband, Nevada National Guard Sgt. Patrick Stewart, who was killed in action in Afghanistan last year.
She was told the symbol was not among the 38 "emblems of faith" officially recognized for use on VA headstones and memorials.
"Our pentacle represents our spirit and our soul," she said. "It's my eternal connection to my husband."
Wiccans have been fighting nine years for VA recognition of their nature-worshipping faith. The VA recognizes symbols for Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Native Americans, Sikhs � even the atheist's capital "A" surrounded by an atomic whirl. In 2003, the VA approved the American Humanist Association's emblem of spirit, a stylized human figure with arms stretched upward.
The problem, Wiccans say, is misinformation that has come down through the centuries accusing Wiccans of practicing evil witchcraft and worshipping Satan. Part of the problem: Satan-worshippers use an upside-down pentacle as one of their symbols.
Sharona Angel, a teacher of Wicca in Waikiki and other Wicca followers emphasize that their religion is peaceful and focuses on a central tenet that they must not harm others. They believe in psychic energy and practice their faith through meditations, rituals and other observances.
"It's really ridiculous prejudice," Angel said. "Wicca and Native American religions, they are almost identical."
Ballard, 20, of Amite, La., said he doesn't face prejudice in the military, but misconceptions abound.
"They expect us to be these depressed people and wear all black," said Ballard, whose discussion group draws about a dozen people from the Marine base. "We're a nature-based religion and in nature, there are bright colors and sunshine. We're a very positive people."
The nation's armed forces have recognized Wiccans for decades and allowed them to practice their faith on base, said Pierre C. Davis, the archpriest of The Aquarian Tabernacle Church, a Wiccan church in Index, Wash. Among the nation's 1.4 million service members at the end of March, about 1,900 described themselves as Wiccan, according to the Pentagon.
Davis' group has sought the VA's approval of the pentacle for use on grave markers since 1997.
The VA has said that requests for the pentacle's approval are still being considered.
Reach Dennis Camire at dcamire@gns.gannett.com.