Posted on: Thursday, March 2, 2006
Movie openings
Bruce Willis, left, portrays a booze-loving detective who's assigned to transport a witness, played by Mos Def, in "16 Blocks."
Warner Bros. Pictures
"Aquamarine": Two eighth-graders (Emma Roberts and JoJo) befriend a mermaid (Sara Paxton) who has three days to prove to her merfather that love exists. Opens tomorrow at Dole Cannery 18 Theatres, Ward Stadium 16, Kahala 8-Plex, Koko Marina 8-Plex, Pearl Highlands 12, Pearlridge West 16-Plex, Kapolei 16-Plex, Mililani 14-Plex, Ko'olau 10-Plex, Windward Stadium 10, La'ie Cinemas, Prince Kuhio Stadium Cinemas (Big Island), Makalapua Cinemas (Big Island), Kaahumanu 6-Plex (Maui), Lahaina Wharf Cinemas (Maui). (PG)
"Dave Chappelle's Block Party": The comic hosts a concert party in Brooklyn in this documentary. Opens tomorrow at Dole Cannery, Ward, Pearl Highlands, Pearlridge West, Kapolei, Mililani, Ko'olau, Windward. (R)
"Marebito": From Japan (and the makers of "The Grudge"), a Tokyo cameraman comes across an underground world in this horror film. Opens tomorrow at Dole Cannery. (R)
"16 Blocks": Bruce Willis plays a tired, middle-aged detective with a booze problem who is assigned to transport a witness (Mos Def) 16 blocks to a grand-jury hearing. Opens tomorrow at Dole Cannery, Ward, Kahala, Pearl Highlands, Pearlridge West, Kapolei, Mililani, Ko'olau, Windward, Prince Kuhio, Makalapua, Maui Mall Megaplex Cinemas (Maui), Front Street Theatres (Maui), Coconut Marketplace Cinemas (Kaua'i). (PG-13)
"Ultraviolet": Milla Jovovich is a member of a genetically modified subculture of humans who is determined to protect her race in this futuristic thriller. Opens tomorrow at Dole Cannery, Ward, Koko Marina, Pearl Highlands, Pearlridge West, Kapolei, Mililani, Ko'olau, Windward, Prince Kuhio, Makalapua, Maui Mall, Kukui Mall 4-Plex (Maui), Coconut Marketplace. (PG-13)
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