For the environment
Advertiser Staff
HILO COMPUCYCLE � Drop off old computers and related equipment for recycling: 2-4 p.m. Friday by public agencies and 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday by the public at the Aupuni Center, across from the old County Building. Stereos, TVs, VCRs and other audio-visual equipment also accepted. Call the Hawai'i County recycling coordinator at (808) 961-8942 or (808) 961-8527.
POUHALA RESTORATION � The Hawai'i Nature Center is cleaning up and restoring wetland habitat in Pearl Harbor. Volunteers are needed to pull pickleweed and mangrove 8:30-11:30 a.m. Saturday. Bring work gloves, water, hat, sunscreen, towel and change of clothes; covered footwear and long pants required. Contact Pauline Kawamata at 955-0100, ext. 18, or paulinekawamata
RECYCLING CONFERENCE � The Hawai'i Island Economic Development Board will host a recycling conference Saturday at the Mauna Lani Bay Resort and Bungalows; $35 fee includes breakfast and lunch. For registration, call (808) 935-2180.
KOKUA KALIHI VALLEY � Help the Sierra Club clear a former nursery site that is being developed into a park in Kalihi Valley. Call 526-3986 for information on the May 20 service trip.
SUMMIT-TO-SEA SERVICE TRIP � Join Haleakala National Park staff May 27-29 on a hike from the top of Sliding Sands trail, through the crater with a two-night cabin stay, and out Kaupo Gap, with van transportation provided back from Kaupo; four-hour service project included. For fees and reservations, call (808) 248-7660.
KA IWI COAST CLEANUP � Join the Sierra Club 8:30-10:30 a.m. May 28 for a cleanup of the Ka Iwi coastline. Bags, gloves provided. Meet at the east restroom at the Sandy Beach park. Call 394-2898 or 955-4168.
TARO PATCH HELPERS � The Honokohau Valley Association of Maui is restoring taro patches, with volunteers needed 8-11 a.m. Sundays. Bring water and lunch. Call 573-3250.
Send listings to: For the Environment, P.O. Box 156, Wailuku, HI 96793; cwilson@honoluluadver; or fax (808) 242-1520.