Posted on: Monday, May 22, 2006
Weekend's conventions to highlight Congress races
Advertiser Staff
Endorsements HSTA endorses Akaka: The Hawai'i State Teachers Association, which represents 13,000 teachers, has backed Akaka's re-election bid. The union said it looked at the voting records of candidates in the Senate race and decided that the senator was more philosophically compatible with the union and the National Education Association on issues concerning public schools. The HSTA indicated that it planned to campaign vigorously for Akaka. Laborers' union backs Menor: The Laborers International Union of North America, Local 368, has endorsed state Sen. Ron Menor, D-17th (Mililani, Waipi'o), in the Democratic primary for the 2nd District. The union described Menor as a friend to workers who has stood up to corporations and government officials who have tried to roll back workers' rights. Menor is one of several Democrats trying to replace Case in the 2nd Congressional District, which covers Central, Leeward and Windward O'ahu and the Neighbor Islands. Sound bites "The Bush administration's energy policy has veered dangerously off-course. Its current policy is to do everything possible to boost oil production and company profits, while doing nothing to help those paying the price every day those who need to fill up their vehicles to get to work and school and go about their daily lives." Former state Sen. Matt Matsunaga, a candidate in the Democratic primary in the 2nd District, on energy policy. Advertiser staff
State Democrats and Republicans will hold their political conventions this weekend in Waikiki, where some of the top candidates will address the parties and party leaders are expected to agree on platforms for the upcoming elections.
The Democrats are meeting at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Friday through Sunday, with the highlight likely to be speeches on Saturday afternoon by U.S. Sen. Daniel K. Inouye, U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka and U.S. Rep. Ed Case. Akaka and Case are facing each other in the Democratic primary for Senate, and the convention will give party activists the chance to hear from both men from the same stage.
The party's candidates for governor, former state Sen. Randall Iwase and Wai'anae harbormaster William Aila Jr., are scheduled to speak on Sunday, along with U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie. The party will also elect a new chairman, either PBS Hawai'i executive Mike McCartney or former O'ahu Democratic chairman Jimmy Toyama, who will likely speak on Sunday.
The Republicans are meeting at the Sheraton Waikiki from Friday through Sunday, with Gov. Linda Lingle expected to address the GOP faithful on Saturday morning. The party's candidates in the 2nd Congressional District, state Sen. Bob Hogue and former state Rep. Quentin Kawananakoa, are also scheduled to speak Saturday morning.