Posted on: Saturday, November 18, 2006
Desirable stage acts going, going this weekend
Advertiser Staff
Guen Montgomery as Blanche, left, and Nina Buck as Stella in "A Streetcar Named Desire."
Alexia Hsin Chen
If you're looking to be entertained by live theater, longtime Advertiser stage critic Joseph T. Rozmiarek has a few suggestions. But hurry; these close this weekend:
"The Arabian Nights": This retelling of Scheher-azade's 1,001 tales gets a spirited and colorful production by a large cast of Leeward Community College students. The show is sexy and funny, with a special story to entertain the youngsters about the calamity of loudly passing gas at one's own wedding. Thirty students play dancing girls, beggars, lunatics and thieves with great energy and style. 8 p.m. today, Leeward Community College Theatre. Tickets: $15 general; $13 students, seniors, military. 455-0385,
"A Streetcar Named Desire": There are some flaws in this youthful production of an American classic. But Tennessee Williams' wordy dialogue and memorable characters are so strongly etched into theater history that it would be a regret to pass up an opportunity to watch again the clash between Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski. 8 p.m. today and 2 p.m. tomorrow at the University of Hawai'i-Manoa's Kennedy Theatre main stage. Tickets: $16 general, $14 seniors, military, UH faculty and staff, $11 students, $5 UHM students. 956-7655,
"Thom Pain (based on nothing)": This one-man show based on a failed life is both delightful and provoking. Peter Ruocco delivers a 75-minute message, and — if you get it — you don't have to see it. But not seeing it would be a disappointment. 11 p.m. today at UH-Manoa's Earle Ernst Lab Theatre. Tickets: $10 general; $8 UH faculty and staff, non-UH students, seniors and military; $4 UHM students. 956-7655,