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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, October 8, 2006

Art calendar

Advertiser Staff


Things Japanese Sale, lacquer and ceramic ware, decorative kimono and obi, tea and dish sets, woodblock prints, artworks, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. today through Friday, Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai'i; free admission. 945-7633.

Watercolor Demonstration, Doug Lew, juror for the current Hawaii Watercolor Society show, reveals his technique, 1-3 p.m. today, The ARTS at Marks Garage; free. 521-2903.

Second Sunday Art Walk, galleries and art venues hold receptions and present exhibits and entertainment, 1-5 p.m. today, Kailua; free admission at participating galleries. 263-4434.

"The Art of Photography," tour of the Honolulu Academy of Arts collection, led by docent John Pearson, 2:30-4 p.m. today; also, "Color," led by docent Charles Hardy, 2:30-4 p.m. Tuesday; free with museum admission. Reservations: 532-8700.

Stephen Andrews Public Lecture, "Intersections" visiting artist discusses his work, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, UH-Manoa Art Building auditorium; free. 956-6888.

"He Pohai Kui Leo (A Circle of Lei Maker)," ninth in a series of paintings by Leo Hone, 6-8:30 p.m. Friday, Aloha Tower Marketplace's center atrium; free. 566-2337.

"The F.A.C.E. of Nu'uanu," street festival of fashion, art, cuisine and entertainment, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday; free admission. 521-1812, 521-2903.

Hiking the Art Trail, tours of the exhibits, art activities for the family, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, the Hawai'i State Art Museum. 586-0900.


"100% lodestar: the wearable art show," art for the body by collective members, today through Nov. 11, opening reception 1-5 p.m. today, lodestar collective, Kailua. 262-4606.

"Underage Thinking VI," works by elementary school students, Tuesday through Oct. 21, The ARTS at Marks Garage. 521-2903.

"Iterations," pyrography by Deborah Nehmad, Wednesday through Nov. 9, opening reception, 5-7 p.m. Wednesday, Koa Gallery at Kapi'olani Community College. 734-9374.

Tenth Anniversary Exhibition, works by 116 artists who have had shows at the downtown art museum, Friday through Jan. 30, The Contemporary Museum at First Hawaiian Center. 526-1322.

39th annual Hawai'i Craftsmen Statewide Exhibit, works by members jurored by Donald Clark, Saturday through Oct. 29, Academy Art Center at Linekona. 532-8743.

"Custom and Creativity: Arts of the Upland Philippines," artifacts, photographs and video, curated by Michael Schuster, from the indigenous peoples of the Northern Philippines, Saturday through Nov. 11, Schaefer International Gallery, Maui Arts & Cultural Center, Kahului, Maui. (808) 242-2787.


Hawaii Watercolor Society Open Show 2006, works juried by Doug Lew, through Oct. 27, artist reception 5-7:30 p.m. Thursday, Pauahi Tower. 375-5111.

"surface:color:form," glass art by Geoff Lee, through Oct. 27, artist reception 5-8 p.m. Oct. 19, Bethel Street Gallery. 524-3552.

47th annual Windward Artist Guild Exhibition, works curated by Carl Jennings, through Oct. 27, Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens Gallery. 233-7323.

Faculty Art Exhibition, installation art, prints, painting, photographs, drawings, ceramics, sculptures and mixed media by faculty in the UH-Manoa Department of Art and Art History, through Oct. 29, University of Hawai'i Art Gallery. 956-6888.

Tim Liena Exhibition, photographic works, through Oct. 30, Canon Photo Gallery. 522-5930.

USA and Japanese Children's Art Exhibition 2006, drawings by elementary and intermediate school children from Hawai'i and Japan, through Oct. 31, Honolulu Hale's Lane Gallery. 523-4674.

"Jesus Coming Soon," photographs by Aaron Laipply, through Oct. 31, artist reception 6-8 p.m. Oct. 19, rRed Elephant Cafe. 545-2468.

"The Texture Series," works by Dean Kagemoto, through Oct. 31, Borders at Ward Center staircase. 591-8995.

"Sugar Rats Disco," screen-printed works by Vince Hazen, through Nov. 17, Hawai'i Pacific University Art Gallery, Kane'ohe. 687-7017.

Works by Ralph Perrine, through Nov. 25, Cafe Che Pasta. 524-0004.

"In Many Things to Come," contemporary works by Won Ju Lim of South Korea, through Nov. 26, Honolulu Academy of Arts Luce Gallery. 532-8701.

"Precious Resources: The Land & The Sea," works by Hawai'i artists that explore the impact of our natural surroundings on our lives, through July 7, Hawai'i State Art Museum. 586-0900.



New works by Ed Furuike, pallet knife paintings, through Oct. 22, Cedar Street Galleries. 589-1580.

"Seeing Red," 35 local, national and international graphic designers � including Milton Glaser � express their passion, anger about current issues in posters, through Oct. 26, Pegge Hopper Gallery; proceeds from poster sales will go to the artist's chosen charity. 542-9063, 524-1160.

"Tattoo Traditions of Hawai'i," original drawings by Jacques Arago (1790-1855), through Nov. 5, Honolulu Academy of Arts Holt Gallery. 532-8701.

"Dreaming of a Speech Without Words," paintings and early objects of H.C. Westermann; also: "Untitled (for H.C. Westermann)," group show of works by artists who contributed to the Westermann catalog including Mark Booth, Ruth Root and Ed Ruscha, through Nov. 19, The Contemporary Museum at Makiki Heights. 526-0232.

"Sentenaryo: 100 Years of Filipinos in Hawai'i and Beyond," and "Singgalot (Ties That Bind) � Filipinos in America: From Colonial Subjects to Citizens," two exhibits explore Filipino contributions to the art and life of Hawai'i and the U.S., through Nov. 26, Bishop Museum, Castle Memorial Building's first floor gallery; included with museum admission: $14.95 general, with discounts for youth, seniors, military and kama'aina. 847-3511.

"Philippines: To the Plantations and Beyond," exhibit to honor the 100th anniversary of Filipinos in Hawai'i, with photos and costumes of Filipino workers; a tribute to the all-Filipino regiments that served in the U.S. military; and a display of leaders of Filipino ancestry, through Dec. 31, Hawaii Plantation Village, Goro Arakawa Exhibit Room, Waipahu; free admission. 677-0110, www.hawaii


18th annual Shizuoka Friendship Postcard Art Contest, open to artists age 60. Paintings, collage, print or mixed media created on a postcard provided by the college. Winning entries will be exhibited Dec. 5-8 at Shizuoka Community Gallery in Japan. Sponsored by Hawaii Tokai International College. For postcards and details: 983-4109. Deadline for one submission per person is Tuesday.

The Hawaii Glass Artists seek artwork created within the past two years from HGA members for their fifth annual exhibit in November. Glass must play a significant role in each finished piece and may be hot-worked, cold-worked, lamp-worked, fused and stained glass. Additional requirements and entry forms: Deadline for entries is Oct. 22.

Hawai'i Vocal Arts Ensemble invites artists, decorators and designers to paint chairs of any size and shape to be auctioned to benefit the vocal group. Use a provided chair or create your own; no entry fee, awards in three categories. Register by Oct. 15 by calling 372-0274 or e-mail Chairs must be completed by Nov. 18.

Send announcements, with contact name and phone number, to: Island Life, Art Calendar, The Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802;, with "Art Cal" in the subject line; or fax 525-8055.