Posted on: Sunday, October 8, 2006
Want to 'Try 4 Write'? Learn from Island masters
By Wanda A. Adams
Advertiser Books Editor
8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Campus Center Ballroom, University of Hawai'i-Manoa Readings, panels, writing workshops; keynote speech by Advertiser columnist Lee Cataluna; screening of Kayo Hatta's short film "Fishbowl"; lunchtime reading celebrating Filipino centennial; closing reading by pidgin writer Lee Tonouchi Schedule: See INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION: 626-1481 or e-mail or above Web site Also: Writers Night Out — Free reading/performance with Kealoha, Brenda Kwon, Chris McKinney and Lois-Ann Yamanaka; 7 p.m. reception, 7:30 p.m. reading, Friday, Campus Center Ballroom, UH-Manoa
Many of Hawai'i's master writers and teachers of writing will participate in next weekend's annual Bamboo Ridge Writers Institute, "Try 4 Write!," offering intensive, hands-on workshops.
Lois-Ann Yamanaka's workshop has sold out, but nine others still have openings.
"Zoom In, Zoom Out, Who's Talkin'," with creativity coach, artist and poet Elsha Bohnert. Workshop borrows from film and stage to help juice up narrative.
"Creative Nonfiction: The Best of Both Worlds" with Elliot Cades Award winner Stuart Coleman, author of "Eddie Would Go." How the techniques of fiction and poetry can be applied to writing about true-life incidents.
"Finding Freedom in Form" with 'Iolani School's creative writing coach Kathryn Godwin. Poets learn to use interlocking and repeating lines to add intrigue to verse.
"From Page to Stage" with poetry slam-master Kealoha, founder of HawaiiSlam, Youth Speaks Hawai'i. Acquire the tools necessary to turn your writing into performable work, with specific attention to editing, memorization and performance technique.
"Putting the Reader There" with novelist and University of Hawai'i professor Ian MacMillan. Learn how to write riveting description using techniques that engage the reader's senses.
"How to Do Oral History" with the director of the University of Hawai'i Center for Oral History, Warren S. Nishimoto. Basic steps for carrying out an oral history project — topic selection, background research, questionnaire development, recording interviews.
"The Art, Craft and Business of Screenwriting" with screenwriter and producer Robert Olague. A crash course on where to begin as a screenwriter — hopping from concept to writing to selling your play.
"Writing Poetry in the Pacific" with Maori poet Robert Sullivan. Explore the relationship of poetic work to the land that nurtures the poet and his or her culture.
"Buss Laugh: Stand Up Poetry" with Hybolics magazine co-editor and pidgin writer Lee A. Tonouchi. As he says, "Dis workshop going get writing exercises for try help you find your humorous side."
Additionally Bamboo Ridge is holding a tribute to the late filmmaker Kayo Hatta at 1 p.m. Saturday, screening her short film "Fishbowl," based on Lois-Ann Yamanaka's novel "Wild Meat and the Bully Burgers."
Mari Hatta, Kayo's sister, will share journal notes of the filmmaker, and Yamanaka and co-producer Eleanor Nakama -Mitsunaga will engage in a panel discussion.
Kayo Hatta was born in Honolulu and directed "Picture Bride," shot here in 1993. "Fishbowl" debuted at the Hawaii International Film Festival last year and has aired on PBS.
Reach Wanda A. Adams at