Art calendar
Advertiser Staff
Watercolor Demonstration, Stephen Quiller, juror for the Hawai'i Watercolor Society Members Show, demonstrates his techniques, 1-3 p.m. today, The ARTS at Marks Garage; free. 261-4767.
Artist Reception, monthly wine, cheese and chocolate event featuring watercolorist Mapuana Schneider and makeup artist Mahealani Diego, 5-7 p.m. Wednesday, Accents Gallery at Honolulu Stained Glass, Kaimuki; free. 737-8018.
Hawaii Stitchery & Fibre Arts Guild meeting, with a presentation on polymer clay by Donna Kato, 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, Academy Art Center at Linekona; free. 845-7952.
First Friday Downtown Gallery Walk, receptions and exhibits at art venues in the downtown/Chinatown art district, 5-9 p.m. Friday, maps at participating art venues including The ARTS at Marks Garage, The Pegge Hopper Gallery, Louis Pohl Gallery, Chinatown Boardroom, The Contemporary Museum at First Hawaiian Center and others. 521-2093, 524-1160, 521-1812.
One Night Stand, art by Pati O'Neal, Jay (James) Anshutz and Stephanie Moelders, live music and refreshments, 5-9 p.m. Friday, Mendonca Building courtyard, 1126 Smith Street. 262-5930.
Calligraphy, works by Edward R. Aotani, today through April 27, Gallery on the Pali. 595-4047.
"Lava Jam," raku and ceramic series by Russell Wee, today through April 30, Ko'olau Gallery, Manoa Marketplace. 988-4147.
Keiko Thomas, watercolors, and Krista Woodward, glass sculptures, today through April 14, Hale'iwa Art Gallery. 637-3368.
"In Visual Fields," recent oils, mixed-media and digital photos by Warren Stenberg, today through April 30, meet the artist and painting demos, 1-3 p.m. April 8 and 15, Ho'omaluhia Botanical Garden Gallery, Kane'ohe. 262-8306.
"Only in Hawai'i � Like Nowhere Else On Earth," winning images in the 11th annual Canon Amateur Photo Contest, tomorrow through April 27, opening reception 6-8 p.m. Monday, Canon Photo Gallery. 522-5930.
45th annual Hawai'i Watercolor Society Members Show, Tuesday through April 28, The ARTS at Marks Garage. 521-2903.
"A Visual Journey to Enlightenment," images by Dhyana Zagri, Tuesday through April 28, opening reception 5-8 p.m. Tuesday, Chinatown Boardroom, 1160 Nu'uanu Ave. 585-7200.
Fifth Anniversary Sumie Japanese Brush Painting Exhibit, works by the Sumie Society of Hawaii, Tuesday through April 12, Honolulu Hale Courtyard Gallery. 523-4674.
"The Revolution at 1164 Nu'uanu," propaganda posters from the Chinese Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, Thursday through April 21, The Pegge Hopper Gallery. 524-1160.
"An Homage to Hawai'i," painting, sculptures and prints by Colombian artist Ivan Osorio, Thursday through May 25, opening reception 4:30-7:30 p.m. Thursday, The Exhibit Space at 1132 Bishop Street. 371-7759.
"Mused by IONA," works by five Hawai'i artists inspired by IONA Contemporary Dance Company's productions, Friday through April 30, Mercury Lounge, 154 Fort Street Mall. 537-3080.
"Art to Mail," original fabric postcards created by Charlene Hughes, Friday through May 3, The ARTS at Marks Garage, Hawai'i Craftsmen Spotlight Window. 521-2903.
"Albrecht Durer (1471-1523): Woodcuts and Etchings," over 70 works on paper from the Durer collection of the Konrad Liebmann Foundation in Germany, through May 27, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8701.
Hiroki Morinoue & John Buck, woodblock prints by both artists and sculpture by Buck, Thursday through April 27, Nu'uanu Gallery at Marks Garage. 591-2489.
Earth Month 2007 Exhibit, winning photographs and video by students from Leeward and Central O'ahu middle and high schools, who entered the city's Earth Month Pollution Solutions Teen Video/Photography Contest, through April 3, Kapolei Hale courtyard. 523-4674.
"Connections," new works by Andy Kay, through April 7, Neal's Art for Sale, Kilohana Square. 737-1368.
(Listed by closing date)
"Makua," 15 Hawai'i artists examine the cultural significance and military use of Makua Valley, through April 11, Academy Art Center at Linekona. 532-8743.
"Selected Works: Then and Now," fiber art by Reiko Mochinaga Brandon, 14th annual KOA Award Recipient, through April 12, Koa Gallery at Kapi'olani Community College. 734-9374.
"What Sound Does a Color Make?" works by international artists who use electronic media to explore the fusion of vision and sound, through April 13, UH-Manoa Art Building gallery. 956-6888.
"War & Peace," paintings and three-dimensional works by Ria Keltz-Remenar and Simone Berlin and photography by Chick Alsop, through April 14, Pauahi Tower Mezzanine Gallery. 371-1104.
"Lost Maritime Cultures: China and the Pacific," cultural artifacts, including bowls, vases, bone and stone carvings, musical instruments, jade jewelry and other items from the prehistoric Hemudu culture, the seafaring societies and China's coastal civilizations including the Austronesians, predecessors of the Polynesians, through April 15, Bishop Museum; adults $15.95 with discounts for youth, seniors and kama'aina. 847-3511.
"Pa'a Ka La'a Animism and Totemism: Contemporary Expressions from an Indigenous Mind," works by Native Hawaiians and from North America, as well as 'aumakua images from the museum's collection, curated by Hale Naua III Society of Hilo and honoring Leialoha Kanahele, through April 22, Bishop Museum; adults $15.95 with discounts for youth, seniors and kama'aina. 847-3511.
Hawaiian Printmakers Exhibition, works by 15 local artists, through April 22, Hawaiian Art Gallery at Moku Ola, Koko Marina. 394-6658.
"Surroundings," oils by Mark Kadota, through April 23, Bethel Street Gallery. 524-3552.
"Park City � Mountains and Meadows," painting by Susie Y. Anderson; "Spring Zing!" bead jewelry by Charlene Tashima and Joel Park; "Freeplay," paintings by Lauren Okano; and "Newest Blues and Whites," ceramics by Esther Nowell; through April 26, The Gallery at Ward Centre. 597-8034.
Hawai'i Pacific Student, Faculty, Staff and Alumni Exhibit, original works jurored by Jerome Feldman, through April 27, Hawai'i Pacific University Art Gallery, Kane'ohe. 544-0287.
"A Vision of the World," works donated by Anna Rice Cooke, the academy's founder, through April 29, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8701.
Works by Shizue Nakayama and Toni Turner, exhibit by patients in the Louis Vuitton Creative Arts Program, through April 30, Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific Art Gallery. 531-3511.
"Wearing Propaganda: Textiles on the Home Front in Japan, Britain and the United States, 1931-1945," more than 100 pieces illustrate how civilian textile design promoted wartime agendas in three countries, through April 29, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8701.
"Hawai'i and Its People," works from the academy's collection curated by Tricia Allen, through May 6, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8701.
"Senza Eroi � Without Heroes," paintings by Antonio Greco, with collaborative pieces by Michele Lilley and Maya von Geldern, through May 9, The Balcony Gallery, Kailua. 263-4434.
"Sala: Gem of Thai Architecture," exhibition of wooden spirit houses, models of traditional Thia structures, woodcarvings, installations, architectural plans, video and photography curated by Virginia Henderson and Michael Schuster, through May 23, East-West Center Gallery. 944-7177.
"Pattern and Form," woodwork by Sharon Doughtie and William Ichinose, "Drawn to Remember," a project by Dana Forsberg and "Viewpoints," paintings by Kirk Kurokawa, through May 29, The Contemporary Museum at First Hawaiian Center. 526-1322.
"Navigating Cultural Connections: Hokule'a's Voyage to Japan," exhibit of artifacts from the trip of King David Kalakaua to Japan to meet Emperor Meiji, as well as other connections between Hawai'i and the Japanese prefectures the canoe Hokule'a will visit this year, through June 1, Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai'i, Community Gallery; free to JCCH members, $5 nonmembers with discounts for kama'aina. 945-7633.
"Precious Resources: The Land & The Sea," works by Hawai'i artists that explore the impact of our natural surroundings on our lives, through July 7, Hawai'i State Art Museum. 586-0900.
"Pauahi: A Legacy for Hawai'i," featuring personal legacies and bequests from the collection of Princess Bernice Pauahi Paki Bishop, through July 29, Bishop Museum, Castle Memorial Building, second floor; adults $15.95 with discounts for youth, seniors and kama'aina. 847-3511,
"The Pacific Islands," permanent installation from the Honolulu Academy of Arts collection, including "Barkcloth of the Pacific," examples of kapa, in the academy's second-floor galleries. 532-8701.
"O2art 3: Paul Morrison, gamodeme," black and white monumental painting, The Contemporary Museum, Makiki Heights. 526-0232.
"Tennis Dessus," site-specific installation of hand-painted art on the museum's tennis courts, by Michael Ming Hong Lin, of Taiwan, The Contemporary Museum, Makiki Heights. 526-0232.
"Arts of the Philippines," permanent exhibition from the Honolulu Academy of Arts collection, Ellis Gallery of Filipino Arts. 532-8701.
"Enriched by Diversity: The Art of Hawai'i," works from the 1960s to the present by Island artists, docent-led tours available, Hawai'i State Art Museum. 586-0900.
(Listed by closing date)
"Quiet Conversations," works by Christopher Zorn, through April 27, Laser Eye Center of Hawaii's Art of Vision Gallery. 946-6000.
"Explorations in Watercolors" works by Lucille Cooper, Patricia Ekstrand, Dave Devenot, Faith Milnes, Bernie Moriax, Tadashi Sato, Carol Wong and Noriko Wakayama, curated by David Behlke, through April 28, Sub-Zero/Wolf Showroom gallery. 597-1647.
Matson Art Exhibition, works by Eugene Savage, John Kelly, Frank McIntosh and Louis Macouillard and others commissioned from 1930-1960 by the Matson Navigation Co., through April 30, The Royal Hawaiian hotel, lower lobby. 923-7311.
"The Eternal Dance," images of ballet and modern dance by photographer Kim Taylor Reece, through April 30, Tea at 1024. 521-9596.
"everything is related, everything changes, pay attention," photographs by Bruce Behnke, through May 31, Mu-Ryang-Sa Buddhist Temple exhibition hall, Palolo Valley. 454-4488.
(Listed by closing date)
Heiau o Hawai'i, large-format photographs by Michael Shewmaker, through April 16, Volcano Art Center Gallery, Big Island. (808) 967-7565.
Art on the Zoo Fence, works by more than 35 Island artists, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturdays-Sundays, Honolulu Zoo fence on Monsarrat Avenue.
Demonstrations by guest artists, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. daily, Native Books/Na Mea Hawai'i, Hilton Hawaiian Village; free. Call for schedule: 949-3989.
Demonstrations by Island artists, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays-Fridays, Native Books/Na Mea Hawai'i, Ward Warehouse; free. Call for schedule: 596-8885.
"WOW!" (Wailea on Wednesday), with guest artist, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Lahaina Galleries, The Shops at Wailea, Maui; free. (808) 874-8583.
Friday Night is Art Night, meet Island artists, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Fridays, Lahaina Galleries, Front Street, Lahaina, Maui; free. (808) 661-6284.
Painting demonstration by Island artists, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturdays, The Gallery at Ward Centre. 597-8034.
Basics in Oil, ongoing classes by Elaine Matsuda, for 12 and older, 10 a.m.-noon, 1-3 p.m. or 4-6 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday, Midori Art Studio, 2639 S. King St., Suite 204; $100 for five-week series of classes plus supply fees. Call for supply list and registration: 952-0309.
Oil-painting classes, learn composition and color from Noriko Wakayama, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Fridays; $100 for four weeks of instruction, plus supply costs. Call for location and registration: 523-0790.
Watercolor Class, Koko Toyomura teaches how to mix and work with contemporary color and shades to create moods, 3-5:30 p.m. Saturdays, The Art Board; $100 for four weeks of instruction. 536-0121.
Oil-painting classes, modern impressionist techniques using brush or palette knife, with artist Yuan Shawl, for beginning students, nine workshop hours taught at the YWCA on Richards Street; $270 for the series. Schedule: 383-0998.
Honolulu Academy of Arts calls for submission for "Artists of Hawai'i 2007," to be jurored by Russell Ferguson. This year, submit digital images only through the CaFE process at (no slides will be accepted). Deadline for submissions is 9 p.m. today.
2007 Hawaii Artist Exhibition, submit jpeg images of two- and three-dimensional works on CDs for judging by Frank Sheriff for the May 29-June 21 show and possible cash awards, with an entry fee of $25 for first three submissions and $10 for any additional work to Bethel Street Gallery by 6 p.m. May 15. Additional requirements:, 524-3552.
The Gallery at Ward Centre seeks three-dimensional works in any media from O'ahu artists. 597-8034.
Caf� Che Pasta seeks hanging art in all media from solo or group exhibitors. 524-0004.
Art Fairs seeks works in any media to show at the YWCA on Richards Street during First Friday downtown gallery walks. 383-0998.
Gallery on the Pali seeks artists to submit works for Abilities 2007, call 539-3874 or write to Also, artists for Leap Year Show 2008, call Association of Hawaii Artists, for solo or group exhibitions, 526-1191.
Send announcements, with contact name and phone number, to: Island Life, Art Calendar, The Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802;, with "Art Cal" in the subject line; or fax 525-8055.