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Posted on: Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Spring can be rejuvenating time for singles

By Jeff Herring
McClatchy-Tribune News Services

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Spring is a great time for singles to do a little emotional cleaning:

  • Lose the losers: If you are hanging out with people who are not good for you, and who do not support your beliefs and dreams, it's time to clean these folks out of your life and move on. This is especially true if you are hanging on to a love relationship that you know is not good for you. How sad would it be to miss the right one while hanging out with the wrong one?

  • The I Can'ts: Maya Bailey, a Law of Attraction Coach, talks about the importance of clearing opposing beliefs � anything you believe that holds you back from attaining what you want. Example: the belief that you are destined to be alone, even though you want a relationship.

  • Cultural lies: A cultural lie is something our culture believes only because it has been said so much. For example, every few years there will be another article stating that if you are a woman over a certain age, your chances of finding a partner go down dramatically. Hogwash. Again, it only takes one.

  • No plan: Get rid of the notion that you will just magically find the right person one day.

    Begin by becoming the right person. Create a relationship plan that will guide you into the relationship of your dreams.

  • Old patterns: Here are two ways to identify old patterns that need to be thrown out:

    1. Notice the patterns of your parents' relationship.

    2. Notice your own relationship patterns, especially those in your last five relationships, and then especially how they ended.