Hawaii football fans getting ready to party
• | Hawaii fans swarm New Orleans shops |
By Will Hoover
Advertiser Staff Writer
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To understand the level of fan commitment attached to the Sugar Bowl appearance of the unbeaten University of Hawai'i Warriors on New Year's Day, look no further than Kata Maduli of Kalihi. The musician and producer took a fall on Thursday that caused him such pain that by yesterday his wife, Janet, rushed him to the doctor.
"I just got him back and his blood pressure is something like 180 over 110 or 120, he's got a fever, and the doctor wants to put him in the hospital," she said.
Yet, even as she spoke, the grounds work continued and the backyard tent fluttered in the breeze in anticipation of the 100-plus friends and relatives coming over for the Madulis' private Sugar Bowl celebration on Jan. 1.
"It might be too late to stop this train," said Janet Maduli. "He wants to do this so bad that I think it's still going to happen."
All across the island yesterday, thousands of others were making plans and focusing their attention on the big game in New Orleans between Hawai'i and the University of Georgia Bulldogs.
At Tamashiro's Market on King Street, the line of people picking up party platters seemed only slightly shorter than the line of fans collecting Colt Brennan's autograph at UH the week before. Doug Ayano, store manager at Colortyme Rentals on Beretania, said his wide-screen TVs have been racing out the door.
"I still have a few left, but there's no telling what will happen between now and Monday," Ayano said. "It's like there's a Super Bowl."
Over at the Dole Ballrooms, special events planner Charmaine Hauanio-Kuewa was trying to decide if the Iwilei Ballroom would be big enough to accommodate the flood of people expected to watch the game on three 10-by-14-foot screens.
"We're shooting for 300, but we could max the room out at 600," she said. "We're worried about more than that showing up."
Hauanio-Kuewa said she should know by tomorrow if she needs to find another giant screen and add a ballroom to the bash. The 1:30 p.m. party is free, she said. Validated parking is $3. The pupu platter costs $20. And the Hawaiian punch is cut to $3 every time UH scores a touchdown.
But the biggest bash on O'ahu could be the New Year's "Shugah' Bowl" community tailgate party at La'ie Park on Po'ohaili Street, sponsored by Hawai'i Sports Hall of Famer Junior Ah You.
"We've got one 20-foot-by-20-foot screen and two 12-by-16-foot screens," Ah You said. "Nothing is being sold. It's all a tailgate."
The celebration is alcohol-free and starts at 1 p.m. on New Year's Day, he said. Bring your own food or snacks. And be prepared to have fun.
"There's nothing like being outdoors with four 100-pound pigs turning, and the barbecue going, and the kids running," Ah You said. "It's all country style over here. No invitations � that don't work in the country. Last time we had a wedding, there were 10 RSVPs, and 600 people showed up."
Reach Will Hoover at whoover@honoluluadvertiser.com.
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