Posted on: Thursday, January 4, 2007
How to keep budding teenager on right path
Associated Press
One fruit and one vegetable per day will help your teenager.
Here are some healthy New Year's resolutions for kids 13 years old and up from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
I will eat at least one fruit and one vegetable every day, and I will limit the amount of soda I drink.
I will take care of my body through physical activity and nutrition.
I will choose nonviolent television shows and video games, and I will spend only one to two hours each day — at the most — on these activities.
I will help out in my community.
I will wipe negative "self talk" (i.e. "I can't do it" or "I'm so dumb") out of my vocabulary.
When I feel angry or stressed out, I will take a break and find constructive ways to deal with the stress, such as exercising, reading, writing in a journal or discussing my problem with a parent or friend.
When faced with a difficult decision, I will talk with an adult about my choices.
I will resist peer pressure to try drugs and alcohol.
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