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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Monday, July 2, 2007

Community calendar

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CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP monthly meeting, 5 p.m., 2500 Kalakaua Ave.; sponsored by the Hawaii Association of Certified Nurses Aides; free. 923-5918.


STROKE SUPPORT GROUP meets 10-11:30 a.m., first Tuesday monthly, Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific, 226 N. Kuakini St., first-floor lanai; educational talks, and caregiver, patient and family support. 531-3511 or (events section).

BLOOD DRIVE, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., BYU-Hawaii ballroom, La'ie; must be 18 or older, at least 110 pounds and present photo ID. 845-9966.

2007 PATRIOTS CELEBRATION, dinner honoring Hawai'i's Korean War veterans, 6 p.m., Hilton Hawaiian Village, Coral Ballroom; wear red, white and blue or aloha attire; sponsored by Hawaii Foodbank. Information: (Jodi) 836-3600, ext. 244, or

NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Wai'anae Coast, 7 p.m., Waianae Neighborhood Community Center.


LEGAL LINE HOTLINE, call 6-7 p.m. to speak with an attorney at no charge, 537-1868; call 537-9140 for free referrals (; sponsored by Hawaii State Bar Association.

"TODAY'S KUPUNA," issues of interest to senior citizens and their families, 7 p.m., 'Olelo Community Television, channel 52; featuring Gene Kaneshiro on the Adult Crossing Guard Program. 946-3888.

WINNERS CIRCLE TOASTMASTERS, meets 7:30 to 8:45 a.m. every Wednesday, Unity Church, 3608 Diamond Head Circle. 833-7538.



CONGRESS ON YOUR CORNER by Congresswoman Mazie Hirono, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Windward Mall; share thoughts and community concerns, discuss national and state issues, get assistance in dealing with federal agencies. 541-1986.

KULA FOREST RESERVE PUBLIC MEETING, by Department of Land and Natural Resources on its post-brushfire hazard reduction and future reforestation program, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Kula Community Center, Waiakoa; hunters, hikers and mountain bikers encouraged to attend; free. (808) 984-8100.

SPINAL CORD INJURY SUPPORT GROUP, meets 2-3 p.m., first Thursday monthly, Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific, 226 N. Kuakini St., first-floor lanai; educational talks; caregiver, patient and family support. (events section) or 531-3511.

EXCHANGE CLUB OF DOWNTOWN HONOLULU lunch meeting, noon; guest speaker, Panos Prevedouras, University of Hawai'i professor of transportation, on "Traffic Congestion, National Trends and Local Solutions"; $20; call for location. 524-0330, ext. 2,

NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Kuli'ou'ou/Kalani Iki, 7 p.m., 'Aina Haina Public Library.

NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, McCully/Mo'ili'ili, 7 p.m., Lunalilo Elementary School cafeteria.

NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Downtown, 7 p.m., Pauahi Recreation Center, 171 N. Pauahi St.

NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Kailua, 7 p.m., Kailua Recreation Center.


SUMMER STAPH INSTITUTE presents Dr. David Pombo on rapid detection and epidemiology of hospital and community staphylococcus aureus infections, 4-5:30 p.m., John A. Burns School of Medicine, Medical Education Building, Room 314-1, Kaka'ako; free; pizza and root beer provided.


BLOOD DRIVE, 7 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Town Center of Mililani; 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Pearlridge Center; must be 18 or older and in good health, weigh 110 pounds or more and present photo ID. 845-9966.

ADOPTION INFORMATION, Hawaii International Child offers free information sessions 10-11:30 p.m. today and 5:30-7 p.m. July 10; call Shannon for information and location. 589-2367 ext. 207,


BLOOD DRIVE, 7:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. July 8, Hawaii Kai Towne Center; must be 18 or older and in good health, weigh at least 110 pounds and present photo ID. 845-9966.

PACIFIC and ASIAN AFFAIRS COUNCIL, forum on Indonesian President Yudhoyono's achievements and outlook for re-election, 5:30 p.m. July 10, East-West Center art gallery; $20, includes heavy pupu, on-campus parking $3; call Tandy for reservations. 944-7784.

TERMITE SEMINARS by the University of Hawai'i Termite Project: 6:30-8:30 p.m. July 12, Mililani High School, 622-1634,; 6:30-8:30 p.m. July 26, Moanalua High School, 837-8466,; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Aug. 8, Windward Community College, 235-7433,; free; registration required; learn how to identify, prevent and control them.

2007 HAWAII AQUACULTURE CONFERENCE, all day July 12 from 7:45 a.m., Kapiolani Community College; varied topics, capped off by A Taste of Hawaii Aquaculture by local chefs; registration and continental breakfast in Ka Ikena Dining Room, second floor, Ohelo Building, sessions, first floor, Room 118, Ohia Building; $65 before Friday, $75 at the door; register with Dean Toda, 587-0030 or

JAPANESE CULTURAL CENTER OF HAWAI'I, Celebration Leadership and Achievement Dinner, 5 p.m. Sept. 29, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Coral Ballroom; honorees will be educators Jane Komeiji, Richard Kosaki, Margaret Oda, Dennis Ogawa, Island Insurance Company and the Makiki Japanese Language School; silent auction; $150 (table sponsorships also available), portion of fee tax-deductible; proceeds to JCCH education programs. 945-7633,,