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You think you know sumo? By
Ferd Lewis
Sumo returns to Honolulu Saturday and Sunday at Blaisdell Arena after a 14-year absence, meaning it is time to get reacquainted with the sport of emperors.
A lot has happened since the local favorites, Akebono, Konishiki and Musashimaru, hung up their mawashi and the Mongolians took over. So, dust off your sumo knowledge, grab a pencil and see if you're still up on some of the ins and outs of this ancient sport.
1. The new yokozuna is called Hakuho because:
(a) It is a whole lot easier than signing autographs as Munkbat Davaajargal, his legal name.
(b) His parents were fans of Hoku Ho.
(c) His stablemaster liked its meaning, White Phoenix.
2. When a sumotori throws salt into the air before a match it is because:
(a) Somebody sitting within tossing distance is heckling him.
(b) It signals to the opponent that the loser buys the sushi.
(c) It purifies the ring.
3. It is a serious breach of sumo rules to:
(a) Leave a buffet before it has been completely emptied.
(b) Pull an opponent's hair.
(c) Tell your opponent to buy a bra.
4. The envelopes that the winning wrestlers receive after their bouts contain:
(a) Prize money from sponsors.
(b) A week's supply of Lean Cuisine coupons.
(c) Congratulatory messages from their fans.
5. Wrestlers stomp their feet to:
(a) Wake up anybody who has dozed off.
(b) Keep their feet warm.
(c) Symbolically drive away ill fortune.
6. The hairstyles of the sumotori come from:
(a) The 17th century.
(b) Super Cuts of Shinjuku.
(c) Best of the Sumo Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.
7. After retirement, leading sumotori often:
(a) Open Curves franchises.
(b) Become coaches or stablemasters.
(c) Begin second careers as jockeys.
8. The home of sumo in Tokyo is called:
(a) Fat City.
(b) The Kokugikan.
(c) Sizzler.
9. One reason for the absence of Hawai'i sumotori in the sport now is:
(a) A calorie cap.
(b) A limit on the number of foreigners allowed.
(c) Mongolians taking up all the room.
10. Which is among the 70 officially recognized techniques to win a sumo match:
(A) Step-over toe hold.
(B) Atomic knee-drop.
(c) Mackerel wrap.
If you answered eight or more questions correctly, consider yourself a grand champion. Six or above is passing and five or fewer means you might want to consider following checkers instead.
Answers: 1. (c); 2. (c); 3. (b); 4. (a); 5. (c); 6. (A); 7. (b); 8. (b); 9. (b); 10. (c)
Reach Ferd Lewis at flewis@honoluluadvertiser.com or 525-8044.