Central Union finds pastor
By Mary Kaye Ritz
Advertiser Religion & Ethics Writer
The Rev. Dr. Lawrence W. Corbett, founding pastor of Pinnacle Presbyterian Church in Scottsdale, Ariz., has been offered and has accepted the top ministerial position at Central Union Church, the largest Hawai'i church in the United Church of Christ denomination.
Corbett will join the church in September and his first time in the pulpit is scheduled for Sept. 9.
"The majority of people were very much in favor of him. They liked what he said; he gave answers nearly everybody wanted to hear," said church administrator Jack Simpson. "I like him. He's very nice and I think he'll be good for the church."
Calling the new pastor personable, Simpson also praised Corbett's experience in building a church and fundraising.
A Presbyterian, Corbett will be required to switch affiliations within the year. He previously served as pastor at four Presbyterian churches, including 17 years at the church he founded in Arizona. He plans to retire from the Presbyterian Church and seek ministerial standing with the United Church of Christ, the largest Protestant group in the state.
The history of the church here dates back to the days of the early missionaries. The congregation currently has 2,500 members, about 300 of whom voted to call Corbett to serve as senior pastor.
About 60 people opposed the decision in the vote held Sunday; among the dissenters, concerns had been raised about his age, 63, and denomination affiliation.
The church has been without a permanent minister since the Rev. Dr. Ted Robinson retired in 2004 at age 62. Two interim ministers had filled the top slot.
Corbett and his wife, Meredyth, have two grown children, five grandchildren and are raising their 12-year-old grandson, Joe.
Reach Mary Kaye Ritz at mritz@honoluluadvertiser.com or 525-8035.