'Lost' actors raise money for HYT
By Wayne Harada
Advertiser Entertainment Writer
Actor Michael Emerson portrayed a feisty demigod Maui, then chilled the audience as a tiny old Japanese woman innkeeper in an obake (ghost) story, with Terry O'Quinn and Daniel Dae Kim as wayward travelers.
Emerson even learned pidginspeak, with intense coaching from Honolulu Theatre for Youth company actor BullDog.
The result: The actors from ABC's TV series "Lost" helped raise nearly $20,000 for the Honolulu Theatre for Youth, with selected readings from HTY's 2007-08 season of plays, in a benefit that drew a packed house Sunday at Tenney Theatre.
Spectators paid $100 to $300 to see and hear "Lost" principals � in a theatrical setting instead of on a windswept beach or amid a tangle of jungle vines � and meet them at a post-show reception.
There will be two Dons at tonight's Don Ho show at the Ohana Waikiki Beachcomber hotel. Ho, the veteran king of the Waikiki show strip, will welcome comedian Don Sherman, on his way to an interisland cruise ship gig.
Sherman likely will give a 10-minute performance.
The Dons have known each other since the 1960s, when Ho was performing in California and Sherman was just breaking into show business.
The Ho show begins at 8 p.m. For reservations, call 923-3981.
Reach Wayne Harada at wharada@honoluluadvertiser.com.