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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, October 7, 2007

Art calendar

Advertiser Staff

Hawaii news photo - The Honolulu Advertiser

We ship our garbage to the Mainland, we have a water park on an island and we're in a war that could be from the pages of "1984." "Labyrinth of the Ridiculous" at Soullenz Gallery (186 N. King St.) takes note of the all-too-surreal life through works such as Isaac Parker's video "The holy onset exotic erotic metabolic bucolic erogenous disorder zone." Through Nov. 10. The gallery is open by appointment; contact Dieter Runge at

Isaac Parker

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Children and Youth Day, art activities, short-film showcase and gallery visits; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; today; Hawai'i State Art Museum; free; 586-0900.

"The Art of Accessories," designer neckties, fashion jewelry and clothing; reception 6-8:30 p.m. Wednesday, exhibit runs through Oct. 20; Louis Pohl Gallery; 521-1812.

"Art from the Heart," paintings by participants in Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific's Louis Vuitton Creative Arts Program, plus other artwork, entertainment and more; 5-8 p.m., presale 3 p.m.; Thursday; REHAB lobby, 226 N. Kuakini St.; free; 566-3451.

"art:21," preview screening of new season of PBS series on contemporary artists such as Jenny Holzer; 6 p.m.; Thursday; UH-Manoa Art Auditorium; free;

Color Your Rainbow!, learn color-mixing and create color wheel and bookmark; 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; Saturday; Hawai'i State Art Museum; free; 586-0900.


"Underage Thinking VII," artwork by students from high schools across the state; Tuesday to Oct. 20; The ARTS at Marks Garage; 521-2903.


"Full Circle," paintings by Marc Turner; through Saturday; Bethel Street Gallery; 524-3552.


Skate/Surf Art Collective, celebration of skateboarding and surfing, with skateboard demo, exhibit of boards and works by artists including skate star Christian Hosoi; through December; Hilo Art Museum, Big Island; 808-961-1426, 808-443-6229.

Hawaii Watercolor Open Show, juried exhibition; through Oct. 26; Bishop Square; 261-4767.

"The Lovelink Exhibition, A Retrospective," reproductions of works by children and community members, fundraiser for The Lovelink Project; through Oct. 27; Pacific Traditions Gallery, 19 N. Pauahi St.; 741-4612.

Hawai'i Craftsmen's 40th annual statewide juried exhibition, traditional and nontraditional art in a variety of media; through Oct. 28; Academy Art Center at Linekona, Honolulu Academy of Arts; 521-3282.

"Chanoyu: Ceramic Implements for Tea," works by five potters and a screen-print artist; through Oct. 28; Academy Art Center at Linekona, Honolulu Academy of Arts; 532-8741.

"Fleeting Moments," photographs by Philippe Gross; through Oct. 30; Canon Photo Gallery, Ward Plaza, 210 Ward Ave.; 522-5930.

"Kama'aina Country," oil paintings by Margaret McMillan; through Oct. 31; Ko'olau Gallery, Manoa Marketplace; 988-4147.

"Memoirs of a Monster," works by Don Ed Hardy, Pegge Hopper, Roy Venters, Jason Teraoka and more; through Nov. 3; Chinatown Boardroom, 1160 Nu'uanu Ave.; 585-7200.

"New Work," sculptures by Margaret Realica, and "Women in Black," mixed media by Marcia Morse; through Nov. 3; Nu'uanu Gallery at Marks Garage; 536-9828.

"Big Hand Blues," paintings and drawings by Christopher St. John; through Nov. 16; Hawai'i Pacific University Art Gallery; 544-0287.

"Paradise Revisited," sculptures and paintings by Alison Moritsugu; "Scapes," monotypes by Charlotte Nairn; and "Flow," new works by Carol Bennett; through Jan. 8, 2008; The Contemporary Museum at First Hawaiian Center; 526-1322.

"Living Angkor," 13th- and 14th-century sculpture from Angkor Wat; through Jan. 17, 2008; East-West Center Gallery; 944-7584.


(Listed by closing date)

"All Cut Up," woodcraft by Roy Tsumoto, and "Akule," undersea photography by Wayne Levin; through Oct. 18; The Gallery at Ward Centre; 597-8034.

"The True Enlightenment of White Walls," artwork by Cora Yee; through Oct. 19; Koa Gallery, 4303 Diamond Head Road; 734-9374.

Maui 11 Show, through Oct. 21; Cedar Street Galleries, 817 Cedar St.; 589-1580.

"Revisiting Portraiture," through Oct. 27; thirtyninehotel, 39 N. Hotel St.; 559-2552.

"Obake Odyssey," stories of Japanese folklore; through Oct. 31; Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai'i Community Gallery; 945-7633.

"Perspectives," artwork by Hawai'i State Art Museum docents; through Nov. 1; The Gallery on the Pali; 423-4216.

"Jodi Endicott: Water," paintings and sculptures by Jodi Endicott; through Nov. 7; The Balcony Gallery; 263-4434.

"Satashi Ohno: Prism Violet," paintings and drawings from the rising Japanese art star; through Nov. 25; The Contemporary Museum at Makiki Heights; 526-0232.


(Listed by closing date)

Makua Kaho'olawe Makua photo exhibit, photographs of Makua Valley and Kaho'olawe; through Oct. 25; Honolulu Hale courtyard; 373-3070.

Pat Ekstrand, watercolors and lithographs; through Dec. 6; Kapi'olani Community College Ohelo Building, fine dining room; free; 734-9374.


Wearable art for Halloween, children 5 and older will create two shirts using sponge-printing and tie-dying; 3-4 p.m.; Saturday and Oct. 20; 371 Ilimalia Loop, Kailua; $32; registration: 220-5691.

Classes for keiki and adults; various times and dates throughout October and November; Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center, Makawao, Maui; fees vary; more information and registration: 808-572-6560, ext. 1 or

Clayworking, photography, watercolor and Japanese brush painting; various times and dates throughout October and November; Windward Community College; fees vary; more information and registration: 235-7433.

Life drawing classes, Disney animator Jim Goss teaches basics of life drawing, leading up to head painting and sculpture; 6-9 p.m.; Wednesdays; Naturally Hawaiian, 41-1025 Kalaniana'ole Highway; $30, bring your own supplies; 384-5867.

Oil-painting classes, paint island scenes using palette knife and learn composition, natural color mixing, value, chroma and knife strokes from George Eguchi; 9 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m.; Thursdays; Hawaiian Graphics, 1923 S. Beretania St.; $125 for four consecutive sessions; 398-8178 or


The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts is accepting applications for its Individual Artist Fellowship in Visual and Performing Arts; deadline Nov. 23; information: 586-9965,

The ARTS at Marks Garage calls for entries (slide images or jpegs) for the "Alternative Urban Futures"; deadline 6 p.m. Saturday; information: 521-2903.

Send announcements, with contact name and phone number, to: Island Life, Art Calendar, The Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802;, with "Art Cal" in the subject line; or fax 525-8055.