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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Monday, April 7, 2008

Donations help charities

Advertiser Staff and News Services

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Thinking of recycling your stuff? The Assistance League of Hawaii Thrift Shop, open 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily except Wednesdays and Sundays at 1505 Young St., uses proceeds from its store to fund four charitable projects, including Operation School Bell (providing new clothing to needy students in 21 schools on O'ahu), Tu Tu Tutorial (one-on-one tutorials for students with reading difficulties), We Care (teddy bears and aid for traumatized children), and Operation Wildlife (a traveling education exhibit about endangered species). No electronics, but they take plenty of other items. Information: 946-1505.

� Advertiser Staff



This month, Real Simple magazine is all about spring cleaning. Tips for household goods: Clean plastic and cloth shower curtains on the gentle cycle in warm water with all-purpose cleaner. When washing plastic curtains, add soft items such as socks to absorb the force of the spin cycle and prevent rips. You can machine-wash all sorts of random gear. Plastic pool floats (deflate first, of course) need cold water on gentle; add a hand towel and air dry. Cloth purses and cloth tote bags should be washed on delicate in warm water.

� Advertiser Staff


"You have the most recognized building in America, and lighting it with new energy-efficient lighting has tremendous symbolic value. ... I think it will help promote the energy-efficient-lighting industry, which is in all of our best interests."

House of Representatives administrative officer Daniel Beard