Posted on: Tuesday, December 30, 2008
New stamp to celebrate 50 years of statehood
Associated Press
The Hawai'i commemorative stamp, above, may cost more than the present 42-cent rate. A postal rate increase — amount to be determined by the consumer price index — is scheduled for May.
U. S. Postal Service
The 50th anniversary of Hawai'i statehood will be celebrated in 2009 with a new stamp from the Postal Service.
The stamp shows a surfer and canoe paddlers riding a wave.
Other scheduled stamps in 2009 include:
Statehood anniversary stamps for Alaska's 50th and Oregon's 150th.
A two-stamp series of early moments in television. Included in that series will be Lucy and Ethel as they lose their struggle with a chocolate assembly line from the show "I Love Lucy," and Joe Friday of "Dragnet" demanding "just the facts" with a penetrating gaze.
Lunar New Year, marking the Year of the Ox, starting Jan. 26.
Edgar Allen Poe, marking the 200th anniversary of the birth of the poet and fiction writer.
Abraham Lincoln, also born in 1809, will be honored on four commemorative stamps.
Wedding Cake and Wedding Rings, for sending invitations.
Comedian Bob Hope is recalled for a life devoted to making people laugh, especially his efforts to visit and entertain men and women in uniform, starting in the early 1940s and continuing through the Persian Gulf War five decades later.
Nature of America: Kelp Forest, the latest in a series featuring plant and animal communities.
Most of the commemorative stamps are priced at 42 cents, the first-class letter rate. However, a rate increase is scheduled in May, and the size of the increase will depend on the consumer price index.